Also work as a stand-alone mode, its input data is from a camera interface or other
image data stored in external memory
Input data format :
any format generated by video decoder in combined mode
YCbCr 4:2:0 semi-planar
YCbCr 4:2:0 planar
YCbYCr 4:2:2
YCrYCb 4:2:2
CbYCrY 4:2:2
CrYCbY 4:2:2
Ouput data format:
YCbCr 4:2:0 semi-planar
YCbYCr 4:2:2
YCrYCb 4:2:2
CbYCrY 4:2:2
CrYCbY 4:2:2
Fully configurable ARGB channel lengths and locations inside 32bits, such as
ARGB8888,RGB565,ARGB4444 etc.
Input image size:
Combined mode : from 48x48 to 8176x8176 (66.8Mpixels)
Stand-alone mode : width from 48 to 8176,height from 48 to 8176, and
maximum size limited to 16.7Mpixels
Step size is 16 pixels
Output image size: from 16x16 to 1920x1088 (horizontal step size 8,vertical step
size 2)
Support image up-scaling :
Bicubic polynomial interpolation with a four-tap horizontal kernel and a
two-tap vertical kernel
Arbitrary non-integer scaling ratio separately for both dimensions
Maximum output width is 3x input width
Maximum output height is 3x input height
Support image down-scaling:
Arbitrary non-integer scaling ratio separately for both dimensions
Unlimited down-scaling ratio
Support YUV to RGB color conversioin, compatible with BT.601-5, BT.709 and user
definable conversion coefficient
Support dithering (2x2 ordered spatial dithering for 4,5,6bit RGB channel precision
Support programmable alpha channel and alpha blending operation with the
following overlay input formats:
8bit alpha +YUV444, big endian channel order with AYUV8888
8bit alpha +24bit RGB, big endian channel order with ARGB8888
Support deinterlacing with conditional spatial deinterlace filtering, only compatible
with YUV420 input format
Support RGB image contrast / brightness / color saturation adjustment
Support image cropping & digital zoom only for JPEG or stand-alone mode
Support picture in pcture
Support image rotation (horizontal flip, vertical flip, rotation 90,180 or 270
1.2.9 Image Enhancement(New IEP lite module)
Image formatsupport
Input data: XRGB/RGB565/YUV420/YUV422
Output data: ARGB/RGB565/YUV420/YUV422
High Performance and Low-power Processor for Digital Media Application
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