Production Data
The WM8960 is a low power audio CODEC offering a combination of high quality audio, advanced
features, low power and small size. These characteristics make it ideal for portable digital audio
applications with stereo speaker and headphone outputs such as games consoles, portable media
players and multimedia phones.
Stereo class D speaker drivers can provide >1W per channel into 8 loads. BTL configuration
provides high power output and excellent PSRR. Low leakage and pop/click suppression
mechanisms allow direct battery connection, reducing component count and power consumption in
portable battery-powered applications. Highly flexible speaker boost settings provide fully internal
level-shifting of analogue output signals, allowing speaker output power to be maximised while
minimising other analogue supply currents, and requiring no additional components.
A flexible input configuration includes support for two stereo microphone interfaces (single-ended or
pseudo-differential) and additional stereo line inputs. Up to three stereo analogue input sources are
available, removing the need for external analogue switches in many applications. Boost amplifiers
are available for additional gain on the microphone inputs and a programmable gain amplifier with a
mixed signal automatic level control (ALC) keeps the recording volume constant.
The stereo ADC and DAC are of hi-fi quality using a 24-bit, low-order oversampling architecture to
deliver optimum performance. A flexible clocking arrangement supports mixed ADC and DAC sample
The DAC output signal can be mixed with analogue input signals from the line inputs or bypass paths.
This mix is available on speaker and headphone/line outputs.
The WM8960 has a configurable digital audio interface where ADC data can be read and digital audio
playback data fed to the DAC. It supports a number of audio data formats including I2S, DSP Mode (a
burst mode in which frame sync plus two data packed words are transmitted), MSB-First, left justified
and MSB-First, right justified, and can operate in master or slave modes. In PCM mode A-law and -
law companding is supported.
The SYSCLK (system clock) provides clocking for the ADCs, DACs, DSP core, class D outputs and
the digital audio interface. SYSCLK can be derived directly from the MCLK pin or via an integrated
PLL, providing flexibility to support a wide range of clocking schemes. All MCLK frequencies typically
used in portable systems are supported for sample rates between 8kHz and 48kHz. A flexible
switching clock for the class D speaker drivers (synchronous with the audio DSP clocks for best
performance) is also derived from SYSCLK.
To allow full software control over all its features, the WM8960 uses a 2 wire control interface. It is
fully compatible and an ideal partner for a wide range of industry standard microprocessors,
controllers and DSPs. Unused circuitry can be disabled via software to save power, while low leakage
currents extend standby and off time in portable battery-powered applications.
PD, August 2013, Rev 4.2