Surface Mount Quad PNP
2N6987U (TX, TXV)
Ceramic 20 pin surface mount package
Small package to minimize circuit board area
Electrical performance similar to a 2N2907
Hermetically sealed
Processed per MIL-PRF-19500/558
The 2N6987U (TX, TXV) is a herme cally sealed, ceramic surface‐mount device, consis ng of 4 silicon PNP transistors. The
20 pin ceramic package is ideal for designs where board space and device weight are important design considera ons.
Typical screening and lot acceptance test are per MIL‐PRF‐19500/558. The burn‐in condi on is VCB = 30 V, PD = 250 mW
each transistor, TA =25° C. Refer to MIL‐PRF‐19500/558 for complete requirements.
When ordering parts without processing, do not use the TX or TXV suffix.
General switching
Signal processing
Radio transmission
Logic gates
General Note
TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without
notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is
considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
OPTEK Technology, Inc.
1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006|Ph: +1 972 323 2200 |
Issue B 08/2016 Page 1