Photoconductive Cell Typical Characteristic Curves
@ 25°C Type Ø Material
Type Ø Material
This is a general purpose material. Its characteristics include a good temperature coefficient and fast response time, especially at very
low light levels. Cells of this type have relatively low dark history. Type Ø material is often used in lighting controls such as nightlights,
and security lighting.
The resistance for any standard catalog cell is controlled at only one light level. If the resistance at other light levels is a concern,
please contact the factory.
To obtain the typical resistance versus illumination characteristic
for a specific part number:
1. Look up 2 footcandle resistance in table.
2. Insert resistance given and draw a curve through that point
and parallel to the closest member of the family of curves
shown for the appropriate type of photo-sensitive material.
Resistance vs. Illumination
Response Time vs. Illumination
(Rise Time)
Response Time vs. Illumination
(Decay Time)