(12) Interrupts system
- 13-source 9-vectored interrupts :
1. External interrupt INT0 (includes watchdog timer)
2. External interrupt INT1
3. External interrupt INT2, timer / counter T0L (timer 0 lower 8 bits)
4. External interrupt INT3, base timer
5. Timer / counter T0H (timer 0 upper 8-bit)
6. Timer T1L (timer 1 lower 8-bit), Timer T1H (timer 1 upper 8-bit)
7. Serial interface SIO0
8. Serial interface SIO1
9. Port 0 or Port 3
- Interrupt priority control available
Microcomputer allows 3 levels of interrupt; low level, high level, and highest level of multiplex interrupt. It can
specify a low level or a high level interrupt priority from INT2/T0L through port 0 or port 3 (the above interrupt
number from three through nine). It can also specify a low level or the highest level interrupt priority to INT0 and
(13) Sub-routine stack levels
- 128 levels (Max.) : stack area included in RAM area
(14) Multiplication and division
- 16 bits × 8-bit (7 instruction cycle times)
- 16 bits / 8-bit (7 instruction cycle times)
(15) Three oscillation circuits
- On-chip RC oscillation circuit using for the system clock, for the LCD display and for the step-up circuit.
- On-chip CF oscillation circuit using for the system clock and for the LCD display.
- On-chip crystal oscillation circuit using for the system clock, for time-base clock and for the LCD display.
(16) Standby function
- HALT mode function
The HALT mode is used to reduce the power dissipation. In this operation mode, the program execution is stopped.
This operation mode can be released by the interrupt request signals or setting to low level for the reset terminal
( RES ).
- HOLD mode function
The HOLD mode is used to freeze all the oscillations ;
RC (internal), CF and Crystal oscillations. This mode can be released by the following operations:
• Reset terminal ( RES ) set to low level.
• Set to assigned level to INT0/1 terminals.
• Set to assigned level to Port 0/3.
(17) Factory shipment
- Chip
QIC160 package shipping available for sample evaluation.
(18) Development support tools
- Evaluation (EVA) chip
- Emulator
: LC868099
: EVA86000 + ECB868000 (Evaluation chip board)