ISL62381, ISL62382, ISL62383, ISL62381C, ISL62382C, ISL62383C
Theory of Operation
Four Output Controller
The ISL62381, ISL62382, ISL62381C and ISL62382C
generate four regulated output voltages, including two PWM
controllers and two LDOs. The two PWM channels are
identical and almost entirely independent, with the exception of
sharing the GND pin. Unless otherwise stated, only one
individual channel is discussed, and the conclusion applies to
both channels.
PWM Modulator
The ISL62381, ISL62382, ISL62383, ISL62381C, ISL62382C
and ISL62383C modulator features Intersil’s R3 technology, a
hybrid of fixed frequency PWM control and variable frequency
hysteretic control. Intersil’s R3 technology can simultaneously
affect the PWM switching frequency and PWM duty cycle in
response to input voltage and output load transients. The R3
modulator synthesizes an AC signal VR, which is an analog
representation of the output inductor ripple current. The duty-
cycle of VR is the result of charge and discharge current
through a ripple capacitor CR. The current through CR is
provided by a transconductance amplifier gm that measures
the VIN and VO pin voltages. The positive slope of VR can be
written as Equation 1:
(EQ. 1)
The negative slope of VR can be written as Equation 2:
(EQ. 2)
Where gm is the gain of the transconductance amplifier.
A window voltage VW is referenced with respect to the error
amplifier output voltage VCOMP, creating an envelope into
which the ripple voltage VR is compared. The amplitude of VW
is set by a resistor connected across the FSET and GND pins.
The VR, VCOMP, and VW signals feed into a window
comparator in which VCOMP is the lower threshold voltage and
VCOMP + VW is the higher threshold voltage. Figure 23 shows
PWM pulses being generated as VR traverses the VCOMP and
VCOMP + VW thresholds. The PWM switching frequency is
proportional to the slew rates of the positive and negative
slopes of VR; it is inversely proportional to the voltage between
VW and VCOMP. Equation 3 illustrates how to calculate the
window size based on output voltage and frequency set
resistor RW.
VW = gm VOUT 1 – D RW
(EQ. 3)
Programming the PWM Switching Frequency
These controllers do not use a clock signal to produce PWMs.
The PWM switching frequency FSW is programmed by the
resistor RW that is connected from the FSET pin to the GND
pin. The approximate PWM switching frequency can be
expressed as written in Equation 4:
FSW = -1---0--------C----1R---------R----W---
(EQ. 4)
For a desired FSW, the RW can be selected by Equation 5.
RW = -1---0--------C----R-1--------F---S----W----
(EQ. 5)
where CR = 17pF with ±20% error range. To smooth the FSET
pin voltage, a ceramic capacitor such as 10nF is necessary to
parallel with RW.
It is recommended that whenever the control loop
compensation network is modified, FSW should be checked for
the correct frequency and if necessary, adjust RW.
Power-On Reset
These controllers are disabled until the voltage at the VIN pin
has increased above the rising power-on reset (POR)
threshold voltage. The controller will be disabled when the
voltage at the VIN pin decreases below the falling POR
In addition to VIN POR, the LDO5 pin is also monitored. If its
voltage falls below 4.2V, the SMPS outputs will be shut down.
This ensures that there is sufficient BOOT voltage to enhance
the upper MOSFET.
EN, Soft-Start and PGOOD
These controllers use a digital soft-start circuit to ramp the
output voltage of each SMPS to the programmed regulation
setpoint at a predictable slew rate. The slew rate of the
soft-start sequence has been selected to limit the in-rush
current through the output capacitors as they charge to the
desired regulation voltage. When the EN pins are pulled above
their rising thresholds, the PGOOD Soft-Start Delay, tSS, starts
and the output voltage begins to rise. The FB pin ramps to 0.6V
in approximately 1.5ms and the PGOOD pin goes to high
impedance approximately 1.25ms after the FB pin voltage
reaches 0.6V.
FN6665 Rev 6.00
October 23, 2015
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