Document History Page
Document Title: CY7C1440AV33/CY7C1442AV33/CY7C1446AV33 36-Mbit (1M x 36/2M x 18/512K x 72) Pipelined Sync
Document Number: 38-05383
Orig. of
ECN NO. Issue Date Change
Description of Change
124437 03/04/03
CJM New data sheet
254910 See ECN SYT Part number changed from previous revision. New and old part number differ
by the letter "A”
Modified Functional Block diagrams
Modified switching waveforms
Added Boundary scan information
Added Footnote #14 (32-Bit Vendor ID Code changed)
Added IDD, IX and ISB values in the DC Electrical Characteristics
Added tPOWER specifications in Switching Characteristics table
Removed 119 PBGA package
Changed 165 FBGA package from BB165C (15 x 17 x 1.20 mm) to BB165
(15 x 17 x 1.40 mm)
Changed 209-Lead PBGA BG209 (14 x 22 x 2.20 mm) to BB209A (14 x 22
x 1.76 mm)
306335 See ECN
SYT Changed H9 pin from VSSQ to VSS on the Pin Configuration table for 209
FBGA on Page # 6
Changed tCO from 3.0 to 3.2 ns and tDOH from 1.3 ns to 1.5 ns for 200 Mhz
speed bin on the Switching Characteristics table on Page # 19
Changed ΘJA and ΘJC from TBD to 25.21 and 2.58 °C/W respectively for
TQFP Package on Pg # 19
Replaced ΘJA and ΘJC from TBD to respective Values for 165 BGA and 209
fBGA Packages on the Thermal Resistance Table
Added lead-free information for 100-Pin TQFP, 165 FBGA and 209 fBGA
Packages .
Changed IDD from 450, 400 and 350 mA to 475, 425 and 375 mA for
frequencies of 250, 200 and 167 MHz respectively
Changed ISB1 from 190, 180 and 170 mA to 225 mA for frequencies of 250,
200 and 167 MHz respectively
Changed ISB2 from 80 to 100 mA
Changed ISB3 from 180, 170 and 160 mA to 200 mA for frequencies of 250,
200 and 167 MHz respectively
Changed ISB4 from 100 to 110 mA
Document #: 38-05383 Rev. *B
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