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M5M5256DFP Ver la hoja de datos (PDF) - Renesas Electronics

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M5M5256DFP Datasheet PDF : 8 Pages
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Nippon Bldg.,6-2,Otemachi 2-chome,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,100-0004 Japan
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
· Renesas T echnology Corporation puts the m axim um effort int o m a k ing sem iconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble m ay occur with them . T r o u b le with
sem iconductors m ay lead to personal injury, fire or property dam age.Rem ember to give due consideration to safety when m aking your circuit designs, with appropriate m easures such as
(i) placem ent of substit u t ive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflam m able m aterial or (iii) prevention against any m alfunction or mishap.
Notes regarding these materials
· T hese m aterials are intended as a reference to assist our custom ers in the selection of the Renesas T echnology Corporation product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any
license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas T echnology Corporation or a third party.
· Renesas T echnology Corporation assum es no responsibility for any dam age, or infringem ent of any third-party's rights, originat ing in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, program s , a lgorit h m s ,
or circuit application exam ples contained in these m aterials .
· A ll inf o r m a t ion contained in these m aterials , including product data, diagrams, charts, programs and algorithms represents inform ation on products at the tim e of publication of these m aterials, and are
subject to change by Renesas T echnology Corporation without notice due to product im provem ents or other reasons. It is therefore recomm ended that custom ers contact Renesas T echnology
Corporation or an authorized Renesas T echnology Corporation product distributor for the latest product inform ation before purchasing a product listed herein.
T he inform ation described here m ay contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Renesas T echnology Corporation assum es no responsibility for any dam age, liability, or other loss rising from t hese inaccuracies or errors.
P lease also pay attention to inform ation published by Renesas T echnology Corporation by various m eans, including the Renesas T echnology Corporation S e m iconductor home page
( ).
· When using any or all of the information contained in these m aterials , including product data, diagrams, charts, programs, and algorithm s , p lease be sure to evaluate all inform ation as a total system
before m aking a final decision on the applicability of the inform ation and products. Renesas T echnology Corporation assum es no responsibility for any dam age, liability or other loss resulting from
the inform ation contained herein.
· Renesas T echnology Corporation sem iconductors are not designed or m anufactured for use in a device or system t hat is used under circumstances in which hum an life is potentially at stake. Please
contact Renesas T echnology Corporation or an authorized Renesas T echnology Corporation product distributor when considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes,
such as apparatus or systems for transportation, vehicular, m edical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use.
· T he prior written approval of Renesas T echnology Corporation is necessary to reprint or reproduce in whole or in part these m aterials .
· If these products or technologies are subject to the Japanese export control restrictions, they must be exported under a license from t he Japanese governm ent and cannot be im ported into a country
other than the approved destinat ion.
Any diversion or reexport contrary to the export control laws and regulations of Japan and/or the country of destinat ion is prohibited.
· P lease contact Renesas T echnology Corporation for further details on these m aterials or the products contained therein.
REJ03C0055 © 2003 Renesas Technology Corp.
New publication, effective Feb 2004.
Specifications subject to change without notice

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