Standard multi-protocol reader solution
Rev. 3.7 — 27 February 2014
Product data sheet
1. Introduction
This data sheet describes the functionality of the CLRC632 Integrated Circuit (IC). It
includes the functional and electrical specifications and from a system and hardware
viewpoint gives detailed information on how to design-in the device.
Remark: The CLRC632 supports all variants of the MIFARE Mini, MIFARE 1K,
MIFARE 4K and MIFARE Ultralight RF identification protocols. To aid readability
throughout this data sheet, the MIFARE Mini, MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K and
MIFARE Ultralight products and protocols have the generic name MIFARE.
2. General description
The CLRC632 is a highly integrated reader IC for contactless communication at
13.56 MHz. The CLRC632 reader IC provides:
• outstanding modulation and demodulation for passive contactless communication
• a wide range of methods and protocols
• a small, fully integrated package
• pin compatibility with the MFRC500, MFRC530, MFRC531 and SLRC400
All protocol layers of the ISO/IEC 14443 A and ISO/IEC 14443 B communication
standards are supported provided:
• additional components, such as the oscillator, power supply, coil etc. are correctly
• standardized protocols, such as ISO/IEC 14443-4 and/or ISO/IEC 14443 B
anticollision are correctly implemented
The CLRC632 supports contactless communication using MIFARE higher baud rates (see
Section 9.12 on page 40). The receiver module provides a robust and efficient
demodulation/decoding circuitry implementation for compatible transponder signals (see
Section 9.10 on page 34).
The digital module, manages the complete ISO/IEC 14443 standard framing and error
detection (parity and CRC). In addition, it supports the fast MIFARE security algorithm for
authenticating the MIFARE products (see Section 9.14 on page 42).
All layers of the I-CODE1 and ISO/IEC 15693 protocols are supported by the CLRC632.
The receiver module provides a robust and efficient demodulation/decoding circuitry
implementation for I-CODE1 and ISO/IEC 15693 compatible transponder signals. The
digital module handles I-CODE1 and ISO/IEC 15693 framing and error detection (CRC).