Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
Monostable/astable multivibrator
2. Monostable mode design information
The following analysis presents worst case variations from unit-to-unit as a function of transfer-voltage (VTR) shift for
one-shot (monostalbe) operation.
Fig.7 Monostable waveforms.
t1‘ = –RtCt In 2---V-V----T-D--R-D--
tM = ( t1' + t2)
tM = –RtCt In -(---2(---V-V---T-D--R--D--)---–-(---VV----DT---R-D---)--–--(--V-2---T-V---R-D--)--D---)- , where tM = Monostable mode pulse width.
Values for tM are:
VDD = 5 to10 V
VDD = 15 V
typ. :
min. :
min. :
VTR = 0,5 VDD;
VTR = 0,3 VDD;
VTR = 0,7 VDD;
VTR = 4 V;
VTR = 11 V;
tM = 2,48 RtCt
tM = 2,78 RtCt
tM = 2,52 RtCt
tM = 2,88 RtCt
tM = 2,56 RtCt
1. In the astable mode, the first positive half cycle has a duration of tM; succeeding durations are 1⁄2 tA.
thus if tM = 2,48 RtCt is used, the maximum variation will be (+ 12%; −0,0%) at 10 V.
January 1995