Analog Devices
Microprocessor Reset Circuits

Analog Devices
Multisupply Supervisor/Sequencer with ADC and Temperature Monitoring

Analog Devices
Super Sequencer and Monitor

Analog Devices
Microprocessor Reset Circuits

Analog Devices
2.7 V to 16.5 V Hot Swap Controller with Current Sense Output

Analog Devices
Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power and Energy Monitoring with PMBus Interface

Analog Devices
Microprocessor Reset Circuits

Analog Devices
–48 V Hot Swap Controller

Analog Devices
Craft PortTM Tiny RS-232 Transceiver for Portable Applications

Analog Devices
2.7 V to 16.5 V Hot Swap Controller with Power-Fail Comparator

Analog Devices
Digital Power Monitor with Convert Pin and ALERTB Output

Analog Devices
Remote Thermal Diode Monitor with Linear Fan Control