Linear Technology
400MHz Quadrature IF Demodulator with RSSI

Linear Technology
0.7GHz to 1.4GHz High Linearity Upconverting Mixer

Linear Technology
14-Bit 80Msps Low Power 3V ADC

Linear Technology
Low Distortion IF Amplifier/ADC Driver with Digitally Controlled Gain

Linear Technology
600MHz to 1100MHz High Linearity Direct Quadrature Modulator

Linear Technology
40MHz to 500MHz Quadrature Demodulator with VGA

Linear Technology
1.5GHz to 2.4GHz High Linearity Direct Quadrature Modulator

Linear Technology
14-Bit, 125/105Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

Linear Technology
40MHz to 900MHz Quadrature Demodulator

Linear Technology
1.2GHz to 2.7GHz Direct IQ Modulator and Mixer

Linear Technology
Dual 600MHz to 1.7GHz High Dynamic Range Downconverting Mixer

Linear Technology
50MHz to 3GHz RF Power Detector with 60dB Dynamic Range

Linear Technology
700MHz – 1050MHz High Linearity Direct Quadrature Modulator