Analog Devices
Low Cost Quad Voltage Controlled Amplifier

Analog Devices
6 and 4 Channel, “Clickless” Serial Input Balance/Master Volume Controls

Analog Devices
Digitally Controlled 8 x 2 Audio Mixer

Analog Devices
6-Channel, Serial Input Master/Balance Volume Controls

Analog Devices
Low Cost Quad Voltage Controlled Amplifier

Analog Devices
Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Gating

Analog Devices
Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Gating

Analog Devices
6- and 4-Channel, Serial Input Master/Balance Volume Controls

Analog Devices
Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Gating

Analog Devices
6-Channel, Serial Input Master/Balance Volume Controls

Analog Devices
Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Gating

Analog Devices
Digitally Controlled 8 x 2 Audio Mixer