Figure 7. RPC Timing Mode
DS5002FP Secure Microprocessor Chip
All parameters apply to both commercial and industrial temperature operation unless otherwise noted.
Note 1: All voltages are referenced to ground.
Note 2: Maximum operating ICC is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL1 driven with tCLKR, tCLKF = 10 ns, VIL = 0.5V; XTAL2
disconnected; RST = PORT0 = VCC, MSEL = VSS.
Note 3: Idle mode IIDLE is measured with all output pins disconnected; XTAL1 driven with tCLKR,tCLKF = 10ns, VIL = 0.5V; XTAL2 disconnected;
Note 4: Stop mode ISTOP is measured with all output pins disconnected; PORT0 = VCC; XTAL2 not connected; RST = MSEL = XTAL1 = VSS.
Note 5: Pin capacitance is measured with a test frequency: 1MHz, TA = +25°C.
Note 6: ICCO1 is the maximum average operating current that can be drawn from VCCO in normal operation.
Note 7: ILI is the current drawn from VLI input when VCC = 0V and VCCO is disconnected. Battery-backed mode is 2.5V £ VBAT £ 4.0; VCC £ VBAT;
VSDI should be £ VILS for IBAT max.
Note 8: VCCO2 is measured with VCC < VLI, and a maximum load of 10 µA on VCCO.
Note 9: Crystal startup time is the time required to get the mass of the crystal into vibrational motion from the time that power is first applied to
the circuit until the first clock pulse is produced by the on-chip oscillator. The user should check with the crystal vendor for a worst
case specification on this time.
Note 10: SDI is deglitched to prevent accidental destruction. The pulse must be longer than tSPR to pass the deglitcher, but SDI is not
guaranteed unless it is longer than tSPA.
Note 11: VIHS minimum is 2.0V or VCCO, whichever is lower.
Note 12: This parameter applies to industrial temperature operation.
Note 13: PF pin operation is specified with VBAT ³ 3.0V.
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