twenty bit result to the digital error correction logic. The digital
error correction logic uses the supplementary bits to correct
any error that may exist before generating the final fourteen
bit digital data output of the converter.
Because of the pipeline nature of this converter, the digital
data representing an analog input sample is output to the
digital data bus on the 4th cycle of the clock after the analog
sample is taken. This time delay is specified as the data
latency. After the data latency time, the digital data
representing each succeeding analog sample is output
during the following clock cycle. The digital output data is
synchronized to the external sampling clock with a latch. The
digital output data is available in two’s complement binary
format (see Table 1, A/D Code Table).
Internal Reference Generator, VROUT and VRIN
The HI5905 has an internal reference generator, therefore,
no external reference voltage is required. VROUT must be
connected to VRIN when using the internal reference
The HI5905 can be used with an external reference. The
converter requires only one external reference voltage
connected to the VRIN pin with VROUT left open.
The HI5905 is tested with VROUT , equal to 4.0V, connected
to VRIN . Internal to the converter, two reference voltages of
1.3V and 3.3V are generated for a fully differential input
signal range of ±2V.
In order to minimize overall converter noise, it is
recommended that adequate high frequency decoupling be
provided at the reference voltage input pin, VRIN .
Analog Input, Differential Connection
The analog input to the HI5905 can be configured in various
ways depending on the signal source and the required level
of performance. A fully differential connection (Figure 9) will
give the best performance for the converter.
Since the HI5905 is powered off a single +5V supply, the
analog input must be biased so it lies within the analog input
common mode voltage range of 1.0V to 4.0V. The
performance of the ADC does not change significantly with
the value of the analog input common mode voltage.
A 2.3V DC bias voltage source, VDC , half way between the
top and bottom internal reference voltages, is made
available to the user to help simplify circuit design when
using a differential input. This low output impedance voltage
source is not designed to be a reference but makes an
excellent bias source and stays within the analog input
common mode voltage range over temperature.
The difference between the converter’s two internal voltage
references is 2V. For the AC coupled differential input, (Figure
9), if VIN is a 2VP-P sinewave with -VIN being 180 degrees out
of phase with VIN, then VIN+ is a 2VP-P sinewave riding on a
DC bias voltage equal to VDC and VIN- is a 2VP-P sinewave
riding on a DC bias voltage equal to VDC. Consequently, the
converter will be at positive full scale, resulting in a digital data
output code with D13 (MSB) equal to a logic “0” and D0-D12
equal to logic “1” (see Table 1, A/D Code Table), when the
VIN+ input is at VDC+1V and the VIN- input is at VDC-1V
(VIN+ - VIN- = 2V). Conversely, the ADC will be at negative full
scale, resulting in a digital data output code with D13 (MSB)
equal to a logic “1” and D0-D12 equal to logic “0” (see Table 1,
A/D Code Table), when the VIN+ input is equal to VDC-1V and
VIN- is at VDC+1V (VIN+-VIN- = -2V). From this, the converter
is seen to have a peak-to-peak differential analog input voltage
range of ±2V.
The analog input can be DC coupled (Figure 10) as long as
the inputs are within the analog input common mode voltage
range (1.0V ≤ VDC ≤ 4.0V).
The resistors, R, in Figure 10 are not absolutely necessary
but may be used as load setting resistors. A capacitor, C,
connected from VIN+ to VIN- will help filter any high
frequency noise on the inputs, also improving performance.
Values around 20pF are sufficient and can be used on AC
coupled inputs as well. Note, however, that the value of
capacitor C chosen must take into account the highest
frequency component of the analog input signal.