ICs for TV
s Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C (continued)
Min Typ Max Unit
VIF circuit (continued) (Typical input fP = 38.9 MHz, VIN = 90 dBµ, DAC Data are typical)
APC pull-in range (low)
fPPL Low band side pull-in range
(Difference from fP = 38.9 MHz)
−2.0 −1.0 MHz
RF AGC delay point adjusting range ∆VRFDP Input to become delay point (V27 = 75 95 dBµ
approx. 6.5 V) at Data 0C = 00 to 7F
VCO free-running frequency
∆fP Dispersion without input VIN,
−1.2 0 1.2 MHz
V36 (IF AGC) = 0 V (Measurement
of difference from 38.9 MHz)
RF AGC maximum sink current
IRFmax Maximum current IC can sink when 1.5 3.0 mA
pin 27 is low
RF AGC minimum sink current
IRFmin IC leakage current at which pin 27 −50 0
is high
50 µA
AFT discrimination sensitivity
AFT center voltage
AFT maximum output voltage
AFT minimum output voltage
Detection output resistance
µAFT Df = ±25 kHz
VAFT V30 without input VIN
VAFTmax V30 at f = fP − 500 kHz
VAFTmin V30 at f = fP + 500 kHz
RO39 DC measurement
40 57 75 mV/kHz
4.0 4.5 5.0 V
7.8 8.1 8.7 V
0.3 0.8 1.0 V
70 120 170 Ω
External mode output DC voltage V39EXT Output DC voltage in AV SW
external mode (04 − D6 = 1)
0.5 1.0 1.8 V
SIF circuit (Typical input fS = 6.0 MHz, fM = 400 Hz, VIN = 90 dBµ)
Audio detection output (PAL)
∆f = ±50 kHz
0D − D7 = 0, R237 = 560 kΩ
Audio detection output (NTSC/PAL) RSN/P ∆f = ±25 kHz, R237 = 560 kΩ
0D − D7 = 1, ratio to PAL
480 600 720 mV[rms]
−2.5 − 0.5 1.5 dB
Audio detection output linearity
∆VSOP Ratio of at fS = 6.0 MHz to 6.5 MHz, −2.5 0
and to 5.5 MHz (270 kΩ addition
between pin 37 and VCC1)
SIF pull-in range (PAL)
fSPP PAL mode (0D − D7 = 0) pull-in 5.7
range R237 = 560 kΩ
SIF pull-in range (NTSC)
fSPN NTSC mode (0D − D7 = 1) pull-in range 4.2
range R237 = 560 kΩ
SIF pull-in range (5.5 MHz)
fSP5.5 PAL mode (0D − D7 = 0)
270 kΩ addition between pin 37 and VCC1
SIF input resistance
RI34 DC measurement
8 10
De-emphasis pin output resistance (PAL) R29P Impedance of pin 29 at PAL
32 40
De-emphasis pin output resistance (NTSC) R29N Impedance of pin 29 at NTSC
48 60
AV SW circuit
2.5 dB
6.8 MHz
4.8 MHz
5.8 MHz
12 kΩ
48 kΩ
72 kΩ
Video SW voltage gain
Video SW f characteristics
GVSW f = 1 MHz, VIN = 1 V[p-p]
6.2 7.2 8.2 dB
fVSW Frequency to become −3 dB from f = 1 MHz 10 MHz