The current control values must be chosen in ac-
cordance with the elements of the primary side.
The performances of the battery charger in their
globality are highly dependent on the adequation
of the primary and the secondary elements.
The addition of the diode D9 is necessary to avoid
dramatic discharge of the battery cells in case of
the charger disconnection from the mains voltage,
and therefore, the voltage measurement is to be
operated on the cathode side of the diode not to
take its voltage drop into account. The total bridge
value of R1, R2, R3 must ensure low battery dis-
charge if the charger is disconnected from main,
but remains connected to the battery by mistake.
The chosen values impose a 44µA discharge cur-
rent max.
R12 and R13 are the equivalent resistors seen
from the opamp and from the comparator.
A hysteresis resistor can be connected to the “End
Of Charge” comparator to ensure proper hystere-
sis to this signal, but this resistor must be chosen
carefully not to degrade the output voltage preci-
sion. It might be needed to impose unidirectionnal
hysteresis (by inserting a diode on the positive
feedback of the comparator).
Figure 3 shows how to use the integrated Voltage
Reference to build a precise Power Supply for the
TSM102A (and other components if necessary).
Pin 8 remains the reference for all voltage mea-
surements for the rest of the application.
Figure 3 : A precise power supply for the TSM102A and other components
TSM102 Vref