About NVE
An ISO 9001 Certified Company
NVE Corporation is a high technology components manufacturer having the unique capability to combine leading edge Giant Magnetoresistive
(GMR) materials with integrated circuits to make high performance electronic components. Products include Magnetic Field Sensors, Magnetic
Field Gradient Sensors (Gradiometer), Digital Magnetic Field Sensors, Digital Signal Isolators and Isolated Bus Transceivers.
NVE is a leader in GMR research and in 1994 introduced the world’s first products using GMR material, a line of GMR magnetic field sensors
that can be used for position, magnetic media, wheel speed and current sensing.
NVE is located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. Please visit our Web site at or call 952-829-9217 for
information on products, sales or distribution.
NVE Corporation
11409 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA
Telephone: (952) 829-9217
Fax: (952) 829-9189
The information provided by NVE Corporation is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed by NVE Corporation for its use,
nor for any infringement of patents, nor rights or licenses granted to third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of NVE Corporation. NVE Corporation does not authorize, nor warrant, any NVE
Corporation product for use in life support devices or systems or other critical applications. The use of NVE Corporation’s products in such
applications is understood to be entirely at the customer’s own risk.
Specifications shown are subject to change without notice.
January 26, 2005
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet: