formula: VOUT3 = 1.212V • [1 + (R5/R6)].
EN (PIN9): Enable control input for REG1, REG2, and REG3. Drive EN to the VIN, VINL or a logic high
for normal operation, drive EN to GND or a logic low to disable REG1, REG2, and REG3.
FB1 (PIN10): Output Feedback Sense. Receives the feedback voltage from an external resistive divider
across the output. The output voltage for REG1 is set by a resistive divider according to the following
formula: VOUT1 = 0.625V • [1 + (R1/R2)].
GND (PIN11): Power Ground.
Application Information
The basic HM8332 application circuit is shown in Typical Application Circuit. External component
selection is determined by the maximum load current and begins with the selection of the inductor value
and operating frequency followed by CIN and COUT.
Inductor Selection
For most applications, the value of the inductor will fall in the range of 1µH to 4.7µH. Its value is chosen
based on the desired ripple current. Large value inductors lower ripple current and small value inductors
result in higher ripple currents. Higher VIN or VOUT also increases the ripple current as shown in equation
(1). A reasonable starting point for setting ripple current is △IL = 240mA (40% of 600mA).
The DC current rating of the inductor should be at least equal to the maximum load current plus half the
ripple current to prevent core saturation. Thus, a 0.9A rated inductor should be enough for most
applications (600mA + 120mA). For better efficiency, choose a low DC-resistance inductor.
Different core materials and shapes will change the size/current and price/current relationship of an
inductor. Toroid or shielded pot cores in ferrite or perm alloy materials are small and don’t radiate much
energy, but generally cost more than powdered iron core inductors with similar electrical characteristics.
The choice of which style inductor to use often depends more on the price vs. size requirements and
any radiated field/EMI requirements than on what the HM8332 requires to operate. Table 1 shows some
typical surface mount inductors that work well in HM8332 applications.