Logic Elements
Table 2–1. HardCopy Stratix and Stratix Device Comparison (Part 2 of 2)
HardCopy Stratix
The I/O drive strength for single-ended
I/O pins are slightly different and is
modeled in the HardCopy Stratix IBIS
The I/O drive strength for single-ended
I/O pins are found in Stratix IBIS
In the HC1S40 780-pin FineLine BGA® In the HC1S40 780-pin FineLine BGA
device, the I/O pins U12 and U18 must device, the I/O pins U12 and U18 are
be connected to ground.
available as general-purpose I/O pins.
The BSDL file describes re-ordered
Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)
boundary-scan chains.
The JTAG boundary-scan chain is
defined in the BSDL file.
Note to Table 2–1:
(1) Performance and power consumption are design dependant.
Logic Elements
Logic is implemented in HardCopy Stratix devices using the same
architectural units as the Stratix device family. The basic unit is the logic
element (LE) with logic array blocks (LAB) consisting of 10 LEs. The
implementation of LEs and LABs is identical to the Stratix device family.
In the HardCopy Stratix device family, all extraneous routing resources
not essential to the specific design are removed for performance and die
size efficiency. Therefore, the MultiTrack interconnect for routing
implementation between LABs and other device resources in the Stratix
device family is no longer necessary in the HardCopy Stratix device
Table 2–2 illustrates the differences between HardCopy Stratix and
Stratix logic.
Table 2–2. HardCopy Stratix and Stratix Logic Comparison
HardCopy Stratix
All routing connections are direct and
all unused routing is removed.
MultiTrack routing stitches routing
resources together to provide a path.
TriMatrix™ memory blocks from Stratix devices, including M512, M4K,
and M-RAM memory blocks, are available in HardCopy Stratix devices.
Embedded memory is seamlessly implemented in the equivalent
Altera Corporation
September 2008