Section I. HardCopy Stratix
Device Family Data Sheet
This section provides designers with the data sheet specifications for
HardCopy® Stratix structured ASICs. The chapters contain feature
definitions of the internal architecture, JTAG boundary-scan testing
information, DC operating conditions, AC timing parameters, and a
reference to power consumption for HardCopy Stratix structured ASICs.
This section contains the following:
■ Chapter 1, Introduction to HardCopy Stratix Devices
■ Chapter 2, Description, Architecture, and Features
■ Chapter 3, Boundary-Scan Support
■ Chapter 4, Operating Conditions
■ Chapter 5, Quartus II Support for HardCopy Stratix Devices
■ Chapter 6, Design Guidelines for HardCopy Stratix Performance
Revision History
Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information
on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates
section, which appears in the complete handbook.
Altera Corporation
Section I–1