Low-Power, 14-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters
with Parallel Interface
During the acquisition, the analog input (AIN) charges
capacitor CDAC. The acquisition ends on the second
falling edge of CS. At this instant, the T/H switches
open. The retained charge on CDAC represents a
sample of the input.
In hold mode, the capacitive DAC adjusts during the
remainder of the conversion time to restore node ZERO
to zero within the limits of 14-bit resolution. At the end of
the conversion, force CS low to put valid data on the bus.
The time required for the T/H to acquire an input signal
is a function of how quickly its input capacitance is
charged. If the input signal’s source impedance is
high, the acquisition time lengthens and more time
must be allowed between conversions. The acquisition
time (tACQ) is the maximum time the device takes to
acquire the signal. Use the following formula to calcu-
late acquisition time:
tACQ = 11(RS + RIN) x 35pF
where RIN = 800Ω, RS = the input signal’s source
impedance, and tACQ is never less than 1.1µs. A
source impedance less than 1kΩ does not significantly
affect the ADC’s performance.
To improve the input-signal bandwidth under AC condi-
tions, drive AIN with a wideband buffer (>4MHz) that can
drive the ADC’s input capacitance and settle quickly.
Power-Down Modes
Select standby mode or shutdown mode with the R/C
bit during the second falling edge of CS (see Selecting
Standby or Shutdown Mode section). The MAX1065/
MAX1066 automatically enter either standby mode, ref-
erence and buffer on, or shutdown, reference and
buffer off, after each conversion depending on the sta-
tus of R/C during the second falling edge of CS.
D0–D7 OR
Figure 3. Typical Application Circuit for MAX1066
Internal Clock
The MAX1065/MAX1066 generate an internal conver-
sion clock. This frees the microprocessor from the bur-
den of running the SAR conversion clock. Total
conversion time after entering hold mode (second
falling edge of CS) to end-of-conversion (EOC) falling is
4.7µs (max).
Applications Information
Starting a Conversion
CS and R/C control acquisition and conversion in the
MAX1065/MAX1066 (Figure 2). The first falling edge of
CS powers up the device and puts it into acquisition
mode if R/C is low. The convert start is ignored if R/C is
high. When powering up from shutdown, the MAX1065/
MAX1066 needs at least 10ms (CREFADJ = 0.1µF, CREF
= 1µF) for the internal reference to wake up and settle
before starting the conversion. The ADC may wake up
from shutdown to an unknown state. Put the ADC in a
known state by completing one “dummy” conversion.
The MAX1065/ MAX1066 will be in a known state, ready
for actual data acquisition, after the completion of the
dummy conversion. A dummy conversion consists of one
full conversion cycle.
The MAX1065 provides an alternative reset function to
reset the device (see RESET section).
Selecting Standby or Shutdown Mode
The MAX1065/MAX1066 have a selectable standby or
low-power shutdown mode. In standby mode, the
ADC’s internal reference and reference buffer do not
power down between conversions, eliminating the need
to wait for the reference to power up before performing
the next conversion. Shutdown mode powers down the
reference and reference buffer after completing a con-
version. Supply current is greatly reduced when in
shutdown mode. The reference and reference buffer
require a minimum of 10ms (CREFADJ = 0.1µF, CREF =
1µF) to power up and settle from shutdown.
The state of R/C at the second falling edge of CS
selects which power-down mode the MAX1065/
MAX1066 enters upon conversion completion. Holding
R/C low causes the MAX1065/MAX1066 to enter stand-
by mode. The reference and buffer are left on after the
conversion completes. R/C high causes the
MAX1065/MAX1066 to enter shutdown mode and shut
down the reference and buffer after conversion
(Figures 5 and 6).
When using an external reference, set the REF power-
down bit high for lowest current operation.
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