Single-Phase Synchronous MOSFET Driver
5V Bias Supply (VDD)
VDD provides the supply voltage for the internal logic cir-
cuits. Bypass VDD with a 1µF or larger ceramic capaci-
tor to GND to limit noise to the internal circuitry. Connect
these bypass capacitors as close as possible to the IC.
Input Undervoltage Lockout
When VDD is below the UVLO threshold, DH and DL
are held low. Once VDD is above the UVLO threshold
and while PWM is low, DL is driven high and DH is
driven low. This prevents the output of the converter
from rising before a valid PWM signal is applied.
Low-Power Pulse Skipping
The MAX17491 enters into low-power pulse-skipping
mode when SKIP is pulled low. In skip mode, an inherent
automatic switchover to pulse-frequency modulation
(PFM) takes place at light loads. A zero-crossing com-
parator truncates the low-side switch on-time at the
inductor current’s zero crossing. The comparator senses
the voltage across LX and GND. Once VLX - VGND
drops below the zero-crossing comparator threshold
(see the Electrical Characteristics), the comparator
forces DL low. This mechanism causes the threshold
between pulse-skipping PFM and nonskipping PWM
operation to coincide with the boundary between con-
tinuous and discontinuous inductor-current operation.
The PFM/PWM crossover occurs when the load current
of each phase is equal to 1/2 the peak-to-peak ripple
current, which is a function of the inductor value. For a
battery input range of 7V to 20V, this threshold is rela-
tively constant, with only a minor dependence on the
input voltage due to the typically low duty cycles. The
switching waveforms can appear noisy and asynchro-
nous when light loading activates the pulse-skipping
operation, but this is a normal operating condition that
results in high light-load efficiency.
Applications Information
Power-MOSFET Selection
Most of the following MOSFET guidelines focus on the
challenge of obtaining high load-current capability
when using high-voltage (> 20V) AC adapters. Low-
current applications usually require less attention. The
high-side MOSFET (NH) must be able to dissipate the
resistive losses plus the switching losses at both
VIN(MIN) and VIN(MAX). Calculate both these sums.
Ideally, the losses at VIN(MIN) should be roughly equal
to losses at VIN(MAX), with lower losses in between. If
the losses at VIN(MIN) are significantly higher than the
losses at VIN(MAX), consider increasing the size of NH
(reducing RDS(ON) but increasing CGATE). Conversely,
if the losses at VIN(MAX) are significantly higher than the
losses at VIN(MIN), consider reducing the size of NH
(increasing RDS(ON) but reducing CGATE). If VIN does
not vary over a wide range, the minimum power dissi-
pation occurs where the resistive losses equal the
switching losses. Choose a low-side MOSFET that has
the lowest possible on-resistance (RDS(ON)), comes in
a moderate-sized package (i.e., one or two 8-pin SOs,
DPAK, or D2PAK), and is reasonably priced. Ensure
that the DL gate driver can supply sufficient current to
support the gate charge and the current injected into
the parasitic gate-to-drain capacitor caused by the
high-side MOSFET turning on; otherwise, cross-con-
duction problems can occur.
MOSFET Power Dissipation
Worst-case conduction losses occur at the duty factor
extremes. For the high-side MOSFET (NH), the worst-
case power dissipation due to resistance occurs at the
minimum input voltage:
where ηTOTAL is the total number of phases. Generally,
a small high-side MOSFET is desired to reduce switch-
ing losses at high input voltages. However, the RDS(ON)
required to stay within package-power dissipation often
limits how small the MOSFETs can be. Again, the opti-
mum occurs when the switching losses equal the con-
duction (RDS(ON)) losses. High-side switching losses
do not usually become an issue until the input is greater
than approximately 15V.
Calculating the power dissipation in high-side
MOSFETs (NH) due to switching losses is difficult since
it must allow for difficult quantifying factors that influ-
ence the turn-on and turn-off times. These factors
include the internal gate resistance, gate charge,
threshold voltage, source inductance, and PCB layout
The following switching-loss calculation provides only a
very rough estimate and is no substitute for prototype
evaluation, preferably including verification using a
thermocouple mounted on NH:
where COSS is the NH MOSFET’s output capacitance,
QG(SW) is the charge needed to turn on the high-side
MOSFET, and IGATE is the peak gate-drive source/sink
current (5A typ).
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