Mainstream contactless smart card IC for fast and easy
solution development
Rev. 3.2 — 21 February 2011
Product short data sheet
1. General description
Migrate classic contactless smart card systems to the next security level! MIFARE Plus
brings benchmark security to mainstream contactless smart card applications. It is the
only mainstream IC compatible with MIFARE Classic 1K (MF1ICS50) and MIFARE
Classic 4K (MF1ICS70) which offers an upgrade path for existing infrastructures and
After the security upgrade, MIFARE Plus uses AES-128 (Advanced Encryption Standard)
for authentication, data integrity and encryption. MIFARE Plus is based on open global
standards for both air interface and cryptographic methods at the highest security level.
MIFARE Plus is available in two versions: MIFARE Plus S and MIFARE Plus X.
• The MIFARE Plus S (MF1SPLUSx0y1, described in this data sheet) is the standard
version for straight forward migration of MIFARE Classic systems. It is configured to
offer high data integrity.
• The MIFARE Plus X (MF1PLUSx0y1) offers more flexibility to optimize the command
flow for speed and confidentiality. It offers a rich feature set including proximity checks
against relay attacks.
2. Features and benefits
2 kB or 4 kB EEPROM
Simple fixed memory structure compatible with MIFARE Classic 1K and
MIFARE Classic 4K
Memory structure identical to MIFARE Classic 4K (sectors, blocks)
Access conditions freely configurable
Supports ISO/IEC 14443 Type A1 UIDs (4-byte UID, 4 Byte NUID, 7-byte UID),
optional support of random IDs
Multi-sector authentication, Multi-block read and write
AES-128 used for authenticity and integrity
Anti-tearing mechanism for writing AES keys
Keys can be stored as MIFARE CRYPTO1 keys (2 × 48-bit per sector) and as AES
keys (2 × 128-bit per sector)
Basic support of virtual card concept
Communication speed up to 848 kbit/s
1. ISO/IEC 14443-x used in this data sheet refers to ISO/IEC 14443 Type A.