ERASE: The ERASE instruction programs all bits in the specified memory location to the Logic 1 state. The self-
timed erase cycle starts once the ERASE instruction and address are decoded. The DO pin outputs the
Ready/Busy status of the part if CS is brought high after being kept low for a minimum of tCS. A Logic 1 at the
DO pin indicates that the selected memory location has been erased, and the part is ready for another
WRITE: The WRITE instruction contains the 8-bits or 16-bits of data to be written into the specified memory
location. The self-timed programming cycle, tWP, starts after the last bit of data is received at Serial Data Input
pin DI. The DO pin outputs the Ready/Busy status of the part if CS is brought high after being kept low for a
minimum of tCS. A
Logic 0 at DO indicates that programming is still in progress. A Logic 1 indicates that the memory location at the
specified address has been written with the data pattern contained in the instruction, and the part is ready for
further instructions. A Ready/Busy status cannot be obtained if CS is brought high after the end of the
self-timed programming cycle, tWP.
Erase All (ERAL): The Erase All (ERAL) instruction programs every bit in the Memory Array to the Logic 1 state
and is primarily used for testing purposes. The DO pin outputs the ready/busy status of the part if CS is brought
high after being kept low for a minimum of tCS. The ERAL instruction is valid only at VCC3 (Section 4.2, “DC
Characteristics” on page 4).
Write All (WRAL): The Write All (WRAL) instruction programs all memory locations with the data patterns
specified in the instruction. The DO pin outputs the Ready/Busy status of the part if CS is brought high after
being kept low for a minimum of tCS. The WRAL instruction is valid only at VCC3 (Section 4.2).
Erase/Write Disable (EWDS): To protect against accidental data disturbance, the Erase/Write Disable (EWDS)
instruction disables all programming modes and should be executed after all programming operations. The
operation of the Read instruction is independent of both the EWEN and EWDS instructions and can be
executed at any time.