Jitter Tolerance
AD805 performance is specified using a Vectron C0-434Y ECL Jitter tolerance is a measure of the circuit’s ability to track a
Series Hybrid VCXO, SCD No. 434Y2365.
jittery input data signal. Jitter on the input data is best thought
Nominal Data Rate
This is the data rate that the circuit is specified to operate on.
The data format is Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ).
Operating Temperature Range (TMIN to TMAX)
This is the operating temperature range of the AD805 in the
circuit. Each of the additional components of the circuit is held
of as phase modulation and is usually specified in Unit Intervals
(UI). The circuit will have a bit error rate less than 1 × 10–10
when in lock and retiming input data that has the specified jitter
applied to it.
Refer to the THEORY OF OPERATION section for a descrip-
tion of the jitter tolerance of the AD805-VCXO circuit.
at 25°C, nominal. The operating temperature range of the
Jitter Transfer
circuit can be extended to the operating temperature range of
The circuit exhibits a low-pass filter response to jitter applied to
the AD805 through the selection of circuit components that
its input data. The circuit jitter transfer characteristics are
OBSOLETE operate from TMIN to TMAX.
Tracking Range
This is the range of input data rates over which the circuit will
remain in lock. The VCXO CONTROL voltage range and the
VCXO frequency range determine circuit tracking range.
Capture Range
This is the range of frequencies over which the circuit can
acquire lock. The VCXO CONTROL voltage range and the
VCXO frequency range determine circuit capture range.
Static Phase Error
This is the steady-state phase difference, in degrees, between the
recovered clock sampling edge and the optimum sampling
instant, which is assumed to be halfway between the rising and
falling edges of a data bit. Gate delays between the signals that
define static phase error and IC input and output signals
prohibit direct measurement of static phase error.
Recovered Clock Skew, TRCS
measured using the method described in CCITT Recommenda-
tion G.958, Geneva 1990, Section 6.3.2. This method involves
applying sinusoidal input jitter up to the jitter tolerance mask
level for an STM-1 Type A regenerator.
This describes the frequency at which the circuit attenuates
sinusoidal input jitter by 3 dB.
This describes the maximum jitter gain of the circuit in dB.
Acquisition Time
This is the transient time, measured in bit periods, required for
the circuit to lock on input data from its free-running state.
Buffered Clock Distortion
This is a measure of the duty cycle distortion at the AD805
CLKOUT signals relative to the duty cycle distortion at the
AD805 CLKIN signals.
Bit Error Rate vs. Signal-to-Noise Ratio
This is the time difference, in ns, between the recovered clock
The AD805 is intended to operate with standard ECL signal
signal rising edge midpoint and midpoint of the rising or falling levels at the data input. Although not recommended, smaller
edge of the output data signal. Refer to Figure 1.
input signals are tolerable. Figure 6 shows the bit error rate
Data Transition Density,
performance versus input signal-to-noise ratio for input signal
This is a measure of the number of data transitions, from “0” to amplitudes of full 900 mV ECL, and decreased amplitudes of
“1” and from “1” to “0,” over many clock periods. ρ is the ratio 80 mV and 20 mV. Wideband amplitude noise is summed with
(0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1) of data transitions to clock periods.
the data signals as shown in Figure 2. The full ECL, 80 mV,
Transitionless Data Run
and 20 mV input signals give virtually indistinguishable results.
This is measured by interrupting an input data pattern with
The axes used for Figure 6 are scaled so that the theoretical Bit
ρ = 1/2 with a block of data bits without transitions, and then
Error Rate vs. Signal to Noise Ratio curve appears as a straight
reapplying the ρ = 1/2 input data. The circuit will handle this
line. The curve that fits the actual data points has a slope that
sequence without making a bit error. The length of the block of matches the slope of the theoretical curve for all but the higher
input data without transitions that an AD805-VCXO circuit can values of signal-to-noise ratio and lower values of bit error rate.
handle is a function of the VCXO K0. The VCXO in the circuit For high values of signal-to-noise ratio, the noise generator used
of Figure 12 has a K0 of 60 radians/volt, nominally.
This is the dynamic displacement of digital signals from their
long term average positions, measured in degrees rms, or Unit
clips, and therefore is not true Gaussian. The extreme peaks of
the noise cause bit errors for high signal to noise ratios and low
bit error rates. The clipping of the noise waveform limits bit
errors in these cases.
Intervals (UI). Jitter on the input data can cause dynamic phase
errors on the recovered clock. Jitter on the recovered clock
causes jitter on the retimed data.
Output Jitter
This is the jitter on the retimed data, in degrees rms, due to a
specific pattern or some pseudo-random input data sequence
(PRN Sequence). The random output jitter of the VCXO
contributes to Output Jitter.
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