Dual HDMI Receiver, Multiformat HDTV Video Decoder,
And RGB Graphics Digitizer
Dual HDMI 1.3 receiver
HDMI support
Deep Color support
xvYCC enhanced colorimetry
Gamut metadata
225 MHz HDMI receiver
Repeater support
High-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP 1.3)
S/PDIF (IEC60958-compatible) digital audio output
Multichannel I2S audio output (up to 8 channels)
Adaptive equalizer for cable lengths up to 30 meters
Internal EDID RAM
DVI 1.0
Multiformat decoder
Three 10-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
ADC sampling rates up to 170 MHz
Mux with 12 analog input channels
525i-/625i-component SD support
525p-/625p-component progressive scan support
720p-/1080i-/1080p-component HDTV support
Digitizes RGB graphics up to 1600 × 1200 at 60 Hz (UXGA)
VBI data slicer (including teletext)
Analog-to-HDMI fast switching
Highly flexible output interface
STDI function support standard identification
2 any-to-any, 3 × 3 color-space conversion matrices
Programmable interrupt request output pins
Advanced TVs
LCD TVs (HDTV ready)
LCD/DLP® rear projection HDTVs
Audio/video receivers (AVRs)
LCD/DLP front projectors
DVD recorders with progressive scan input support
The AD9388A is a high quality, single-chip graphics digitizer
with an integrated 2:1 multiplexed HDMI® receiver.
The AD9388A contains one main component processor (CP)
that processes YPrPb and RGB component formats, including
RGB graphics. The CP also processes the video signals from the
HDMI receiver. The AD9388A can keep the HDCP link between
an HDMI source and the selected HDMI port active in analog
mode operation. This allows for fast switching between the
analog and HDMI modes.
The AD9388A supports the decoding of a component RGB or
YPrPb video signal into a digital YCrCb or RGB pixel output
stream. The support for component video includes 525i, 625i,
525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, and 1250i standards, as well as
many other HD and SMPTE standards.
Graphics digitization is also supported by the AD9388A. The
AD9388A is capable of digitizing RGB graphics signals from
VGA to UXGA rates and converting them into a digital RGB
or YCrCb pixel output stream.
The AD9388A incorporates a dual input HDMI-compatible
receiver that supports HDTV formats up to 1080p and display
resolutions up to UXGA (1600 × 1200 at 60 Hz). The reception
of encrypted video is possible with the inclusion of HDCP. In
addition, the inclusion of adaptive equalization ensures robust
operation of the interface with cable lengths up to 30 meters. The
HDMI receiver has advanced audio functionality, such as a
mute controller that prevents audible extraneous noise in the
audio output.
Derivative parts of the AD9388A are available; AD9388ABSTZ-A5
is composed of one analog and one digital input. To facilitate pro-
fessional applications, where HDCP processing and decryption
are not required, the AD9388ABSTZ-5P derivative is available.
This allows users who are not HDCP adopters to purchase the
AD9388A (see the Ordering Guide section for details on these
derivative parts).
Fabricated in an advanced CMOS process, the AD9388A is
available in a space-saving, 144-lead, surface-mount, RoHS-
compliant, plastic LQFP and is specified over the −40°C to
+85°C temperature range.
Rev. F
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One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781.329.4700
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