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The AD9712 and AD9713 high speed digital-to-analog conven-
ers utilize Most Significant Bit (MSB) decoding and segmenta-
tion techniques to reduce glitch impulse and maintain linearity
without trimming.
greater accuracy or better temperature stability is required, an
external reference can be utilized. The AD589 reference shown
in Figure I features :t 10 ppm?C drift over temperatUres from 0
to +70°C.
As shown in the functional block diagram, the design is based
on four main subsections: the DecoderlDriver circuits, the
Transparent Latches, the Switch Network and the Control
Amplifier. An internal band-gap reference is also included to
allow operation with a minimum of external components.
Digital Inputs
The AD9712 employs single-cnded ECL-compatible inputs for
data inpUtS DI-D12 and LATCH ENABLE. The internal ECL
midpoint reference is designed to match 10K ECL device
thresholds. On the AD9713, a TTL translator is added at
Figure 1. Use of A 0589 8S External Reference
OBSOLETE each input; with this exception, the AD9712 and AD9713 are
In the DecoderlDriver section, the four MSBs (DcDJ are
decoded to 15 "thermometer code" lines. An equalizing delay is
included for the eight Least Significant Bits (LSBs) and
LATCH ENABLE. This delay minimizes data skew, and data
setup and hold times at the latch inputs; this is important when
operating the latches in the transparent mode. Without the
delay, skew caused by the decoding circuits would degrade
glitch impulse.
The latches operate in their transparent mode when LATCH
ENABLE (Pin 26) is at logic level "0." The latches can be used
to synchronize data to the current switches by applying a narrow
LATCH ENABLE pulse with proper data setup and hold times
as shown in the timing diagram. With an external transparent
latch at each data input clocked out of phase with the DAC, the
AD97121AD9713 operates in a master slave (edge-triggered)
Two modes of multiplying operation are possibl~ with the
AD97121AD9713. Signals with bandwidths up to 400 kHz and
input swings from -0.1 V to -1.2 V can be applied to the
CONTROL AMP input as shown in Figure 2. Because the con-
trol amplifier is internally compensated, the 0.1 J.LFcapacitor at
Pin 17 can be eliminated to maximize the multiplying band-
width. However, it should be noted that settling time for
changes to the digital inputs will be degraded.
Although the AD97121AD9713 chip is designed to provide isola-
tion from digital inputs to the outputs, some coupling of digital
transitions is inevitable, especially with TTL or CMOS inputs
applied to the AD9713. Digital feedthrough can be reduced by
forming a low-pass filter using a resistor in series with the
capacitance of each digital input.
As shown in the functional block diagram, the internal band-gap
reference, control amplifier and reference input are pinned out
for maximum user flexibility when setting the reference.
When using the internal reference, REFERENCE OUT (Pin 20)
should be connected to CONTROL AMP IN (pin 19). CON-
TROL AMP OUT (pin 18) should be connected to REFER-
ENCE IN (Pin 17) through an 18 n resistor. A 0.1 J.LFceramic
capacitor from Pin 17 to -Vs (pin 15) improves settling by
decoupllng switching noise from the current sink base line. A
reference current cell provides feedback to the control amp by
sinking current through Rsn (Pin 24).
Full-scale output current is determined by the voltage at CON-
TROL AMP IN (VREF)and Rsn according to the
= lOUT IPS) VREFIRsET x 128.
Figure 2. Low Frequency Multiplying Circuit
The REFERENCE IN pin can also be driven directly for wider
bandwidth multiplying operation. The analog signal for this
mode of operation must have a signal swing in the range of
-4 V to -5.2 V. This can be implemented by capacitively cou-
pling into REFERENCE IN an ac signal and establishing a de
bias of -4.0 V to -5.2 V, as shown in Figure 3; or by driving
REFERENCE IN with a low impedance op amp whose signal
swing is limited to the stated range.
> ANAl~
The internal reference is nominally - 1.26 V with a tolerance of
:t 10% and typical drift over temperature of 300 J.Lvrc. If
Figure 3. Wideband Multiplying Circuit