Table 2. Temperature Data Format (Local and Remote
Temperature High Byte
Offset Binary (Note 1)
0 000 0000
(Note 2)
0 000 1001
0 000 0000
0 100 0000
0 000 0001
0 100 0001
0 000 1010
0 100 1010
0 001 1001
0 101 1001
0 011 0010
0 111 0010
0 100 1011
1 000 1011
0 110 0100
1 010 0100
0 111 1101
1 011 1101
0 111 1111
1 011 1111
0 111 1111
(Note 3)
1 101 0110
1. Offset binary scale temperature values are offset by 64°C.
2. Binary scale temperature measurement returns 0°C for all
temperatures < 0°C.
3. Binary scale temperature measurement returns 127°C for all
temperatures > 127°C.
The user can switch between measurement ranges at any
time. Switching the range also switches the data format. The
next temperature result following the switching is reported
back to the register in the new format. However, the
contents of the limit registers are not changed. The user must
ensure that the limit registers are reprogrammed, as
necessary, when the data format changes. See the Limit
Registers section for more information.
ADT7461 Registers
The ADT7461 contains a total of 22 8-bit registers. These
registers are used to store the results of remote and local
temperature measurements and high and low temperature
limits and to configure and control the device. A description
of these registers follows. Additional details are provided in
Table 3 to Table 7.
Address Pointer Register
The address pointer register does not have or require an
address, as the first byte of every write operation is
automatically written to this register. The data in this first
byte always contains the address of another register on the
ADT7461, which is stored in the address pointer register.
This register address is written to by the second byte of a
write operation or is used for a subsequent read operation.
The power-on default value of the address pointer register
is 0x00. Therefore, if a read operation is performed
immediately after power-on, without first writing to the
address pointer, the value of the local temperature is
returned, since its register address is 0x00.
Temperature Value Registers
The ADT7461 has three registers to store the results of
local and remote temperature measurements. These
registers can only be written to by the ADC and can be read
by the user over the SMBus. The local temperature value
register is at Address 0x00.
The external temperature value high byte register is at
Address 0x01, with the low byte register at Address 0x10.
The power-on default for all three registers is 0x00.
Configuration Register
The configuration register is Address 0x03 at read and
Address 0x09 at write. Its power-on default is 0x00. Only
four bits of the configuration register are used. Bits 0, 1, 3,
and 4 are reserved and should not be written to by the user.
Bit 7 of the configuration register is used to mask the
ALERT output. If Bit 7 is 0, the ALERT output is enabled.
This is the power-on default. If Bit 7 is set to 1, the ALERT
output is disabled. This only applies if Pin 6 is configured as
ALERT. If Pin 6 is configured as THERM2, the value of
Bit 7 has no effect.
If Bit 6 is set to 0 (the power-on default), the device is in
operating mode with the ADC converting. If Bit 6 is set to
1, the device is in standby mode and the ADC does not
convert. The SMBus does, however, remain active in
standby mode, so values can be read from or written to the
ADT7461 via the SMBus in this mode. The ALERT and
THERM outputs are also active in standby mode. Changes
made to the registers in standby mode that affect the
THERM or ALERT outputs cause these signals to be
Bit 5 determines the configuration of Pin 6 on the
ADT7461. If Bit 5 is 0 (default), then Pin 6 is configured as
an ALERT output. If Bit 5 is 1, then Pin 6 is configured as
a THERM2 output. Bit 7, the ALERT mask bit, is only active
when Pin 6 is configured as an ALERT output. If Pin 6 is set
up as a THERM2 output, then Bit 7 has no effect.
Bit 2 sets the temperature measurement range. If Bit 2 is
0 (default), the temperature measurement range is set
between 0°C to +127°C. Setting Bit 2 to 1 means that the
measurement range is set to the extended temperature range.
Table 3. Configuration Register Bit Assignments
0 = ALERT Enabled
1 = ALERT Masked
0 = Run
1 = Standby
1 = THERM2
4, 3 Reserved
2 Temperature 0 = 0°C to 127°C
Range Select 1 = Extended range
1, 0 Reserved
Conversion Rate Register
The conversion rate register is Address 0x04 at read and
Address 0x0A at write. The lowest four bits of this register
are used to program the conversion rate by dividing the