Analog Microelectronics, Inc.
5A Low Dropout
Positive Voltage Regulator
5. Thermal consideration
The AME1084 series contain thermal limiting
circuitry designed to protect itself for over-
temperature conditions. Even for normal load
conditions, maximum junction temperature
ratings must not be exceed. As mention in
thermal protection section, we need to con-
sider all sources of thermal resistance be-
tween junction and ambient. It includes junc-
tion-to-case, case-to-heat-sink interface and
heat sink thermal resistance itself.
Junction-to-case thermal resistance is speci-
fied from the IC junction to the bottom of the
case directly below the die. Proper mounting
is required to ensure the best possible ther-
mal flow from this area of the package to the
heat sink. The case of all devices in this se-
ries is electrically connected to the output.
Therefore, if the case of the device must be
electrically isolated, a thermally conductive
spacer is recommended.