Function Description (Cont.)
Output Under-Voltage Protection (Cont.)
2µs noise filter to prevent the chips from wrong UVP shut-
down caused by noise. The under-voltage protection
works in a hiccup mode without latched shutdown. The
IC will initiate a new soft-start process at the end of the
preceeding delay.
Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
The over-temperature circuit limits the junction tempera-
ture of the APW7085. When the junction temperature ex-
ceeds TJ=+150oC, a thermal sensor turns off the power
MOSFET, allowing the devices to cool. The thermal sen-
sor allows the converter to start a start-up process and
regulate the output voltage again after the junction tem-
perature cools by 50oC. The OTP is designed with a 50oC
hysteresis to lower the average T during continuous ther-
mal overload conditions, increasing lifetime of the IC.
Driving EN to ground places the APW7085 in shutdown.
When in shutdown, the internal power MOSFET turns off,
all internal circuitry shuts down and the quiescent supply
current of VIN reduces to <1µA (typical).
Current-Limit Protection
The APW7085 monitors the output current, flowing through
the P-channel power MOSFET, and limits the current peak
at current-limit level to prevent loads and the IC from dam-
ages during overload or short-circuit conditions.
Frequency Foldback
When the output is shortened to the ground, the frequency
of the oscillator will be reduced to about 80kHz. This lower
frequency allows the inductor current to safely discharge,
thereby preventing current runaway. The oscillator’s fre-
quency will gradually increase to its designed rate when
the feedback voltage on FB again approaches 0.8V.
Copyright © ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.7 - Sep., 2010