APR6016 Data Sheet
Reading the SID
Each device in the APR60XX series family contains an
embedded Silicon Identification (SID). The SID can be read
by the host processor to identify which family / family member
is being used. Reading the device SID requires issuing two
OpCode commands; a SID command followed by any other
command, usually a NOP command. The device will clock
the SID data out on the DO pin as the command that follows
the SID command is clocked in. Figure 9 is a diagram that
describes the process necessary for reading SID information.
Figure 9 SID Timing
/C S
SID Command
CDS Output Data
Next Command
SID O utput Data
The SID information follows the format given in Figure 10.
The first bit shifted out, D0, is the Overflow bit. The Overflow
bit is set to a binary 1 if an attempt was made to record
beyond the available memory. The Overflow bit is set to a 0 if
an overflow has not occurred. This bit is cleared after it has
been read. The D1 bit is the End Of Data (EOD) bit. The EOD
bit is set when the device stops playing or fast forwarding as
a result of EOD bit in memory. The EOD bit is cleared after it
has been read. The D2 bit is the Illegal Address Bit. The Ille-
gal Address Bit is set whenever an illegal address is sent to
the device. The D3 bit is the Lbat bit. This bit is set when the
device senses a supply voltage below specification. The fol-
lowing five bits represent the product family. The APR60XX
product family code is binary 01000 as shown in Figure 10.
The next four bits represent the device code. The APR6016
device code is binary 0010 as shown in Figure 10 The last
seven bits are random data and should be ignored.
Figure 10 SID Bit Stream
Last bit shifted out
First bit shifted out
~~ D19
D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Ignore These
Illegal Address
0 0 1 0 01 0 0 0
APR6016 Device
Code (Binary)
APR60XX Series
Family (Binary)
Voice Recording & Playback Device
Revision 1.0
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