The microprocessor monitor circuitry of the DS1677 provides three basic functions. First, a precision
temperature-compensated reference and comparator circuit monitors the status of VCC. When an out-of-
tolerance condition occurs, an internal power-fail signal is generated which forces the to RST the active
state. When VCC returns to an in-tolerance condition, the RST signal is kept in the active state for 250ms
to allow the power supply and processor to stabilize. The DS1677 debounces a pushbutton input and
guarantees an active RST pulse width of 250ms. The third function is a watchdog timer. The DS1677 has
an internal timer that forces the RST signal to the active state if the strobe input is not driven low prior to
watchdog timeout.
The DS1677 also provides a 3-channel 8-bit successive approximation ADC. The converter has an
internal 2.55V (typical) reference voltage generated by an on-board band-gap circuit. The ADC is
monotonic (no missing codes) and has an internal analog filter to reduce high-frequency noise.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the main elements of the DS1677. The following paragraphs
describe the function of each pin.
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