HA17901, HA17339 Series
2. Pulse Generator
The charge and discharge circuits in the circuit from figure 1 are separated by diodes in this circuit. (See
figure 3.) This allows the pulse width and the duty cycle to be set independently. Figure 4 shows the
waveforms generated by this circuit.
R1 1M D1 IS2076
R2 100k D2 IS2076
1M 1M
Figure 3 Pulse Generator
Horizontal: 2 V/div, Vertical: 20 µs/div, VCC = 5 V Horizontal: 5 V/div, Vertical: 20 µs/div, VCC = 15 V
Figure 4 Operating Waveforms
3. Voltage Controlled Oscillator
In the circuit in figure 5, comparator A1 operates as an integrator, A2 operates as a comparator with
hysteresis, and A3 operates as the switch that controls the oscillator frequency. If the output Vout1 is at
the low level, the A3 output will go to the low level and the A1 inverting input will become a lower
level than the A1 noninverting input. The A1 output will integrate this state and its output will increase
towards the high level. When the output of the integrator A1 exceeds the level on the comparator A2
inverting input, A2 inverts to the high level and both the output Vout1 and the A3 output go to the high
level. This causes the integrator to integrate a negative state, resulting in its output decreasing towards
the low level. Then, when the A1 output level becomes lower than the level on the A2 noninverting
input, the output Vout1 is once again inverted to the low level. This operation generates a square wave
on Vout1 and a triangular wave on Vout2.