HAL 82x
The FILTER bit is bit number 4 of the MODE register; it
defines the −3 dB frequency of the digital low pass fil-
−3 dB Frequency
500 Hz
1 kHz
Note: Please contact Micronas for further information
about Multiplex Analog Output Mode.
In Burn-In Mode, the signal path of the sensors DSP is
stimulated internally without applied magnetic field. In
this mode, the sensor provides a “saw tooth” shape
output signal. Shape and frequency of the saw tooth
signal depends on the programming of the sensor.
This mode can be used for Burn-In test in the custom-
ers production line.
Bit Time
The BITTIME bit is bit number 5 of the MODE register;
It defines the protocol bit time for the communication
between the sensor and the programmer board.
Bit Time
1:64 (Typ. 1.75 ms)
1:128 (Typ. 3.5 ms)
Output Format
The OUTPUTMODE bits are the bits number 6 to 7 of
the MODE register; They define the different output
Output Format
Analog Output (12 bit)
Internal Burn-In Mode
Multiplex Analog Output
(external trigger)
TC Register
The temperature dependence of the magnetic sensitiv-
ity can be adapted to different magnetic materials in
order to compensate for the change of the magnetic
strength with temperature. The adaption is done by
programming the TC (Temperature Coefficient) and
the TCSQ registers (Quadratic Temperature Coeffi-
cient). Thereby, the slope and the curvature of the tem-
perature dependence of the magnetic sensitivity can
be matched to the magnet and the sensor assembly.
As a result, the output voltage characteristic can be
fixed over the full temperature range. The sensor can
compensate for linear temperature coefficients ranging
from about −3100 ppm/K up to 1000 ppm/K and qua-
dratic coefficients from about −7 ppm/K² to 2 ppm/K².
The full TC range is separated in the following four
TC-Range [ppm/k]
−3100 to −1800
−1750 to −550
−500 to +450 (default value)
+450 to +1000
In Analog Output mode, the sensor provides an ratio-
metric 12-bit analog output voltage between 0 V and
5 V.
In Multiplex Analog Output mode, the sensor transmits
the LSN and MSN of the output value separately. This
enables the sensor to transmit a 14-bit signal. In exter-
nal trigger mode the ECU can switch the output of the
sensor between LSN and MSN by changing current
flow direction through sensor output. In case the out-
put is pulled up by a 10 kΩ resistor the sensor sends
the MSN. If the output is pulled down the sensor will
send the LSN. Maximum refresh rate is about 500 Hz
(2 ms). Three pins are sufficient.
TC (5 bit) and TCSQ (3 bit) have to be selected individu-
ally within each of the four ranges. For example: 0 ppm/k
requires TC-Range = 1, TC = 15 and TCSQ = 1.
Feb. 3, 2009; DSH000143_003EN