32-bit ARM Cortex™-M3 MCU
I/O Ports
▀ Up to 80 GPIOs
▀ Port A, B, C, D, E are mapped as 16 external interrupts – EXTI
▀ Almost all I/O pins are 5V-tolerant except for pins shared with analog inputs
There are up to 80 General Purpose I/O pins, (GPIO), named PA0 ~ PA15 to PE0 ~ PE15 for the
implementation of logic input/output functions. Each of the GPIO ports has a series of related
control and configuration registers to maximise flexibility and to meet the requirements of a wide
range of applications.
The GPIO ports are pin-shared with other alternative functions to obtain maximum functional
flexibility on the package pins. The GPIO pins can be used as alternative functional pins by
configuring the corresponding registers regardless of the input or output pins.
The external interrupts on the GPIO pins of the device have related control and configuration
registers in the External Interrupt Control Unit, EXTI.
PWM Generation and Capture Timers – GPTM
▀ Two 16-bit General-Purpose Timers – GPTM
▀ Up to 4-channel PWM Compare Output or Input Capture function for each GPTM
▀ External trigger input
The General-Pur pose Timers, known as GPTM0 and GPTM1, consist of one 16-bit
up/down-counter, four 16-bit Capture/Compare Registers (CCRs), one 16-bit Counter-Reload
Register (CRR) and several control/status registers. They can be used for a variety of purposes
including general time measurement, input signal pulse width measurement, output waveform
generation such as single pulse generation, or PWM output generation. The GPTM supports an
Encoder Interface using a decoder with two inputs.
Rev. 1.00
10 of 45
August 13, 2012