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IDT72T36115L7BB データシートの表示(PDF) - Integrated Device Technology

Integrated Device Technology 
IDT72T36115L7BB Datasheet PDF : 57 Pages
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IDT72T3645/55/65/75/85/95/105/115/125 2.5V TeraSync36-BIT FIFO
1K x 36, 2K x 36, 4K x 36, 8K x 36, 16K x 36, 32K x 36, 64K x 36, 128K x 36 and 256K x 36
PRS PartialReset
Q0–Q35 DataOutputs
RCLK/ Read Clock/
RD Read Stobe
RCS Read Chip Select
REN Read Enable
RHSTL(1) Read Port HSTL
RT Retransmit
SCLK Serial Clock
SEN Serial Enable
TCK(2) JTAG Clock
TDI(2) JTAG Test Data
TDO(2) JTAG Test Data
TMS(2) JTAG Mode
TRST(2) JTAG Reset
WEN WriteEnable
WCS WriteChipSelect
WCLK/ WriteClock/
WR WriteStrobe
HSTL-LVTTL PRSinitializesthereadandwritepointerstozeroandsetstheoutputregistertoallzeroes.DuringPartialReset,
INPUT the existing mode (IDT or FWFT), programming method (serial or parallel), and programmable flag settings
are all retained.
HSTL-LVTTL Data outputs for an 36-, 18- or 9-bit bus. When in 18- or 9-bit mode, any unused output pins should not
OUTPUT be connected. Outputs are not 5V tolerant regardless of the state of OE and RCS.
HSTL-LVTTL If Synchronous operation of the read port has been selected, when enabled byREN, the rising edge of RCLK
INPUT reads data from the FIFO memory and offsets from the programmable registers. If LD is LOW, the values
loaded into the offset registers is output on a rising edge of RCLK.If Asynchronous operation of the read
port has been selected, a rising edge on RD reads data from the FIFO in an Asynchronous manner. REN
should be tied LOW.
HSTL-LVTTL RCSprovidessynchronouscontrolofthereadportandoutputimpedanceofQn,synchronoustoRCLK.During
INPUT aMasterResetorPartialResettheRCSinputisdon’tcare,ifOEisLOWthedataoutputswillbeLow-Impedance
regardless of RCS.
HSTL-LVTTL If Synchronous operation of the read port has been selected, REN enablesRCLK for reading data from the
INPUT FIFO memory and offset registers. If Asynchronous operation of the read port has been selected, the REN
input should be tied LOW.
LVTTL This pin is used to select HSTL or 2.5v LVTTL outputs for the FIFO. If HSTL or eHSTL outputs are
INPUT required, this input must be tied HIGH. Otherwise it should be tied LOW.
HSTL-LVTTL RT asserted on the rising edge of RCLK initializes the READ pointer to zero, sets the EF flag to LOW (OR to
INPUT HIGH in FWFT mode) and doesn’t disturb the write pointer, programming method, existing timing mode
or programmable flag settings. If a mark has been set via the MARK input pin, then the read pointer will jump
to the ‘mark’ location.
HSTL-LVTTL A rising edge on SCLK will clock the serial data present on the SI input into the offset registers providing that
INPUT SEN is enabled.
HSTL-LVTTL SENenables serial loading of programmable flag offsets.
LVTTL All inputs not associated with the write or read port can be selected for HSTL operation via the SHSTL input.
HSTL-LVTTL ClockinputforJTAGfunction.OneoffourterminalsrequiredbyIEEEStandard1149.1-1990.Testoperations
INPUT of the device are synchronous to TCK. Data from TMS and TDI are sampled on the rising edge of TCK and
outputs change on the falling edge of TCK. If the JTAG function is not used this signal needs to be tied to GND.
HSTL-LVTTL One of four terminals required by IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990. During the JTAG boundary scan operation,
INPUT test data serially loaded via the TDI on the rising edge of TCK to either the Instruction Register, ID Register
and Bypass Register. An internal pull-up resistor forces TDI HIGH if left unconnected.
HSTL-LVTTL One of four terminals required by IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990. During the JTAG boundary scan operation,
OUTPUT test data serially loaded output via the TDO on the falling edge of TCK from either the Instruction Register, ID
Register and Bypass Register. This output is high impedance except when shifting, while in SHIFT-DR and
SHIFT-IR controller states.
HSTL-LVTTL TMS is a serial input pin. One of four terminals required by IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990. TMS directs the
INPUT the device through its TAP controller states. An internal pull-up resistor forces TMS HIGH if left unconnected.
HSTL-LVTTL TRST is an asynchronous reset pin for the JTAG controller. The JTAG TAP controller does not automatically
INPUT reset upon power-up, thus it must be reset by either this signal or by setting TMS= HIGH for five TCK cycles.
If the TAP controller is not properly reset then the FIFO outputs will always be in high-impedance. If the JTAG
function is used but the user does not want to use TRST, then TRST can be tied with MRS to ensure proper
FIFO operation. If the JTAG function is not used then this signal needs to be tied to GND.
HSTL-LVTTL When Synchronous operation of the write port has been selected, WEN enables WCLK for writing data into
INPUT theFIFO memory and offset registers. If Asynchronous operation of the write port has been selected, the
WEN input should be tied LOW.
HSTL-LVTTL The WCS pin can be regarded as a second WEN input, enabling/disabling write operations.
HSTL-LVTTL IfSynchronousoperationofthewriteporthasbeenselected,whenenabledbyWEN,therisingedgeofWCLK
INPUT writes data into the FIFO. If Asynchronous operation of the write port has been selected, WR writes data into
the FIFO on a rising edge in an Asynchronous manner, (WEN should be tied to its active state).

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