L6910A L6910
Output Capacitor
The output capacitor is a basic component for the fast response of the power supply. In fact, during load tran-
sient, for first few microseconds they supply the current to the load. The controller recognizes immediately the
load transient and sets the duty cycle at 100%, but the current slope is limited by the inductor value. The output
voltage has a first drop due to the current variation inside the capacitor (neglecting the effect of the ESL):
A minimum capacitor value is required to sustain the current during the load transient without discharge it. The
voltage drop due to the output capacitor discharge is given by the following equation:
∆VOUT = 2-----⋅---C-----O----U----T----⋅---(---V----I∆--N--I--MO2----UI--N--T---⋅-⋅--D-L---M-----A---X-----–-----V----O----U----T---)-
Where DMAX is the maximum duty cycle value that is 100%. The lower is the ESR, the lower is the output drop
during load transient and the lower is the output voltage static ripple.
Input Capacitor
The input capacitor has to sustain the ripple current produced during the on time of the upper MOS, so it must
have a low ESR to minimize the losses. The rms value of this ripple is:
Irms = IOUT D ⋅ (1 – D)
Where D is the duty cycle. The equation reaches its maximum value with D = 0.5. The losses in worst case are:
P = ESR ⋅ Ir2ms
Compensation network design
The control loop is a voltage mode (figure 7). The output voltage is regulated to the input Reference voltage
level (EAREF). The error amplifier output VCOMP is then compared with the oscillator triangular wave to provide
a pulse-width modulated (PWM) wave with an amplitude of VIN at the PHASE node. This wave is filtered by the
output filter. The modulator transfer function is the small-signal transfer function of VOUT/VCOMP. This function
has a double pole at frequency FLC depending on the L-Cout resonance and a zero at FESR depending on the
output capacitor ESR. The DC Gain of the modulator is simply the input voltage VIN divided by the peak-to-peak
oscillator voltage ∆VOSC.