Applications information: charging process
Fast charge phase
When the battery voltage reaches the pre-charge voltage threshold (VPRETH), the L6924U
enters the fast-charge phase.
In this phase the device charges the battery with a constant current, whose value can be set
by external resistors connected to IAC pin (AC adapter mode selected) or to IUSB pin (USB
mode) with an accuracy of 7 %.
In AC adapter mode (MODE pin low), the resistor RAC can be calculated as:
Equation 6
⎟⎟⎠⎞ ⋅ KPRG
Where VBG is the internal reference equal to 1.23 V, whereas KPRG is a constant equal to
Figure 11. IAC pin connection
In USB mode (MODE pin high), the resistor RUSB can be selected as:
Equation 7
Where VBG and KPRG have the same meaning and value above mentioned.
The charge current in USB mode depends on RUSB as well as the state of the ISEL pin.
When this pin is high, the “high-power” USB mode is selected and the charge current is
determined by the equation 7.
The charge current in USB mode should be set in accordance with the typical USB current
capability (up to 500 mA). If ISEL is low, the “low-power” USB mode is selected and the
charge current is a fifth of the high-power USB mode charge current (up to 100 mA)
During low power USB mode operation, since the charge current is reduced by one fifth, the
maximum charging time is proportionally increased (Section 7.8: Maximum charging time).