LC75348, 75348M
Usage Notes
• The internal transistor states are undefined when power is first applied. Applications must mute the output until control
data has been written to the IC.
• Operational description of the zero cross switching circuit
The LC75348 and LC75348M provide a function that can switch the zero cross comparator signal detection point,
allowing applications to select an optimal detection point for the block whose data is being updated. Basically,
switching noise can be minimized if the signal immediately following the block whose data is updated is input to the
zero cross comparator. This means that the detection point must be switched each time data is updated.
Tone controls
Zero cross
LC75348 and LC75348M Zero Cross Detection Circuit
• Zero cross switching control procedure
The zero cross switching control procedure consists of three steps. First, set the zero cross control bit to zero cross
detection mode (D25 = 0), then specify the block for detection (with bits D28 and D29), and finally transfer the data.
Since these control bits are latched first, immediately after the data is transferred, i.e. on the CE falling edge, the mode
can be set in a single data transfer operation when updating the volume control or other control block data. The figure
below presents an example of the control used when updating the volume control block data.
Zero cross detection
mode setting
Volume control
block setting
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