4.1 I2C Serial Interface
The LIS3L02DQ I2C is a bus slave. The I2C is employed to write the data into the registers whose content
can also be read back.
The relevant I2C terminology is given in the table below
Table 6. Serial Interface Pin Description
The device which sends data to the bus
The device which receives data from the bus
The device which initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and terminates a transfer
The device addressed by the master
There are two signals associated with the I2C bus: the Serial Clock Line (SCL) and the Serial DAta line
(SDA). The latter is a bidirectional line used for sending and receiving the data to/from the interface. Both
the lines are connected to Vdd through a pull-up resistor embedded inside the LIS3L02DQ. When the bus
is free both the lines are high.
4.1.1 I2C Operation
The transaction on the bus is started through a START signal. A START condition is defined as a HIGH
to LOW transition on the data line while the SCL line is held HIGH. After this has been transmitted by the
Master, the bus is considered busy. The next byte of data transmitted after the start condition contains the
address of the slave in the first 7 bits and the eighth bit tells whether the Master is receiving data from the
slave or transmitting data to the slave. When an address is sent, each device in the system compares the
first seven bits after a start condition with its address. If they match, the device considers itself addressed
by the Master. The address can be made up of a programmable part and a fixed part, thus allowing more
than one device of the same type to be connected to the I2C bus.
The Slave ADdress (SAD) associated to the LIS3L02DQ is 0011101.
Data transfer with acknowledge is mandatory. The transmitter must release the SDA line during the ac-
knowledge pulse. The receiver must then pull the data line LOW so that it remains stable low during the
HIGH period of the acknowledge clock pulse. A receiver which has been addressed is obliged to generate
an acknowledge after each byte of data has been received.
The I2C embedded inside the LIS3L02DQ behaves like a slave device and the following protocol must be
adhered to. After the start condition (ST) a salve address is sent, once a slave acknowledge has been
returned, a 8-bit sub-address will be transmitted: the 7 LSB represent the actual register address while the
MSB enables address autoincrement. If the MSB of the SUB field is 1, the SUB (register address) will be
automatically incremented to allow multiple data read/write.
If the LSB of the slave address was ‘1’ (read), a repeated START condition will have to be issued after the
two sub-address bytes; if the LSB is ‘0’ (write) the Master will transmit to the slave with direction un-
Transfer when Master is writing one byte to slave
Master ST SAD + W