Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Drivers
If the scan-limit register is set for three digits or less,
individual digit drivers will dissipate excessive amounts
of power. Consequently, the value of the RSET resistor
must be adjusted according to the number of digits dis-
played, to limit individual digit driver power dissipation.
Table 9 lists the number of digits displayed and the
corresponding maximum recommended segment cur-
rent when the digit drivers are used.
Display-Test Register
The display-test register operates in two modes: normal
and display test. Display-test mode turns all LEDs on
by overriding, but not altering, all controls and digit reg-
isters (including the shutdown register). In display-test
mode, 8 digits are scanned and the duty cycle is 31/32
(15/16 for MAX7221). Table 10 lists the display-test reg-
ister format.
Table 9. Maximum Segment Current for
1-, 2-, or 3-Digit Displays
Table 10. Display-Test Register Format
(Address (Hex) = XF)
Display Test
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Note: The MAX7219/MAX7221 remain in display-test mode
(all LEDs on) until the display-test register is reconfigured
for normal operation.
No-Op Register
The no-op register is used when cascading MAX7219s
or MAX7221s. Connect all devices’ LOAD/CS inputs
together and connect DOUT to DIN on adjacent
devices. DOUT is a CMOS logic-level output that easily
drives DIN of successively cascaded parts. (Refer to
the Serial Addressing Modes section for detailed infor-
mation on serial input/output timing.) For example, if
four MAX7219s are cascaded, then to write to the
fourth chip, sent the desired 16-bit word, followed by
three no-op codes (hex XX0X, see Table 2). When
LOAD/CS goes high, data is latched in all devices. The
first three chips receive no-op commands, and the
fourth receives the intended data.
__________Applications Information
Supply Bypassing and Wiring
To minimize power-supply ripple due to the peak digit
driver currents, connect a 10µF electrolytic and a 0.1µF
ceramic capacitor between V+ and GND as close to
the device as possible. The MAX7219/MAX7221 should
be placed in close proximity to the LED display, and
connections should be kept as short as possible to
minimize the effects of wiring inductance and electro-
magnetic interference. Also, both GND pins must be
connected to ground.
Selecting RSET Resistor and
Using External Drivers
The current per segment is approximately 100 times
the current in ISET. To select RSET, see Table 11. The
MAX7219/MAX7221’s maximum recommended seg-
ment current is 40mA. For segment current levels
above these levels, external digit drivers will be need-
ed. In this application, the MAX7219/MAX7221 serve
only as controllers for other high-current drivers or tran-
sistors. Therefore, to conserve power, use RSET = 47kΩ
when using external current sources as segment dri-
The example in Figure 2 uses the MAX7219/MAX7221’s
segment drivers, a MAX394 single-pole double-throw
analog switch, and external transistors to drive 2.3”
AND2307SLC common-cathode displays. The 5.6V
zener diode has been added in series with the decimal
point LED because the decimal point LED forward volt-
age is typically 4.2V. For all other segments the LED
forward voltage is typically 8V. Since external transis-
tors are used to sink current (DIG 0 and DIG 1 are used
as logic switches), peak segment currents of 45mA are
allowed even though only two digits are displayed. In
applications where the MAX7219/MAX7221’s digit dri-
vers are used to sink current and fewer than four digits
are displayed, Table 9 specifies the maximum allow-
able segment current. RSET must be selected accord-
ingly (Table 11).
Refer to the Power Dissipation section of the Absolute
Maximum Ratings to calculate acceptable limits for
ambient temperature, segment current, and the LED
forward-voltage drop.
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