Microchip provides the basic design tools needed for
the MCP6001/2/4 family of op amps.
4.1 SPICE Macro Model
The latest Spice macro model for the MCP6001/2/4
operational amplifiers (op amps) is available on our
website at This model is intended
as an initial design tool that works well in the op amp’s
linear region of operation at room temperature. See the
model file for information on its capabilities.
Bench testing is a very important part of any design and
cannot be replaced with simulations. Also, simulation
results using this macro model need to be validated by
comparing them to the data sheet specifications and
characteristic curves.
4.2 FilterLab® Software
FilterLab is an innovative software tool that simplifies
analog active filter (using op amps) design. Available at
no cost from our website at, the
FilterLab software active filter software design tool pro-
vides full schematic diagrams of the filter circuit with
component values. It also outputs the filter circuit in
SPICE format, which can be used with the macro
model to simulate actual filter performance.
DS21733D-page 10
2003 Microchip Technology Inc.