Micrel, Inc.
Lower thermal resistance is achieved by joining the four
ground leads with the die attach paddle to create a
single-piece electrical and thermal conductor. This
concept has been used by MOSFET manufacturers for
years, proving very reliable and cost effective for the
Thermal resistance consists of two main elements, θJC
(junction-to-case thermal resistance) and θCA (case-to-
ambient thermal resistance). See Figure 3. θJC is the
resistance from the die to the leads of the package. θCA
is the resistance from the leads to the ambient air and it
includes θCS (case-to-sink thermal resistance) and θSA
(sink-to-ambient thermal resistance).
Low-dropout linear regulators from Micrel are rated to a
maximum junction temperature of 125°C. It is important
not to exceed this maximum junction temperature during
operation of the device. To prevent this maximum
junction temperature from being exceeded, the
appropriate ground plane heat sink must be used.
Figure 3. Thermal Resistance
Using the power SOIC-8 reduces the θJC dramatically
and allows the user to reduce θCA. The total thermal
resistance, θJA (junction-to-ambient thermal resistance)
is the limiting factor in calculating the maximum power
dissipation capability of the device. Typically, the power
SOIC-8 has a θJC of 20°C/W, this is significantly lower
than the standard SOIC-8 which is typically 75°C/W. θCA
is reduced because pins 5 through 8 can now be
soldered directly to a ground plane which significantly
reduces the case-to-sink thermal resistance and sinks to
ambient thermal resistance.
Figure 4. Copper Area vs. Power SO-8 Power Dissipation
Figure 4 shows copper area versus power dissipation
with each trace corresponding to a different temperature
rise above ambient.
From these curves, the minimum area of copper
necessary for the part to operate safely can be
determined. The maximum allowable temperature rise
must be calculated to determine operation along which
ΔT = TJ(max) – TA(max)
TJ(max) = 125°C
TA(max) = maximum ambient operating
For example, the maximum ambient temperature is
50°C, the ΔT is determined as follows:
ΔT = 125°C – 50°C
ΔT = 75°C
Using Figure 4, the minimum amount of required copper
can be determined based on the required power
dissipation. Power dissipation in a linear regulator is
calculated as follows:
December 2012