The MLX 90224 Speed and Direction Sensor is de-
signed for use with Multipole ring magnet targets hav-
ing evenly distributed North and South magnetic poles
on the circumference of the magnet. An example of the
basic physical arrangement of the sensor and magnet
is shown in Fig. 1. The MLX90224 is available in 3
versions. The first version will provide the user with
two digital output signals. Output S1 will provide a
speed pulse from the changing magnetic flux at sensing
element S1. Output S2 will provide a phase shifted
output identical in pulse width and period to S1. This
version is referred to as MLX90224 A. The
MLX90224 B version will provide an output signal
that decodes the phase shifted signals to directly pro-
vide an output for the speed which is twice the natural
frequency of the alternating magnetic field from the
pole spacing of the multipole ring magnet. The other
output pin will represent the direction and will change
from logic high to logic low when the direction of rota-
tion of the magnet is reversed. This then allows to di-
rectly see the condition of the speed with twice the
resolution of the MLX90224 A and to also know di-
rectly the direction of rotation of the target. The third
version of this product the MLX90224 C will be iden-
tical in function of the A but with less sensitive mag-
netic switch points. The MLX90224 A has Latching
magnetic Bop and Brp values of typically +/- 2mT as
does the internal circuitry of the B. The C version has
also Latching magnetic trip points but with the thresh-
olds set to +/- 25mT.
Fig. 1
The MLX90224LVA can replace the following Hall
effect devices: Allegro A3421KA /A3422KA
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?A2 1B
Multipole Ring Magnet and MLX90224BA or BC
Sensor S1
Sensor S2
Digital Output S1
Digital Output S2
Degrees of Rotation
MLX90224 Dual Hall Effect Latch
Rev 1.2
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