— 64-bit Censorship password register
— If the external tool writes a 64-bit password that matches the Serial Boot password stored in the internal flash
shadow row, Censorship is disabled until the next system reset.
1.4.27 Development Trigger Semaphore (DTS)
MPC5644A devices include a system development feature, the Development Trigger Semaphore (DTS) module, that enables
software to signal an external tool by driving a persistent (affected only by reset or an external tool) signal on an external device
pin. There is a variety of ways this module can be used, including as a component of an external real-time data acquisition
1.5 MPC5644A series architecture
1.5.1 Block diagram
Figure 1 shows a top-level block diagram of the MPC5644A series.
MPC5644A Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 7
Freescale Semiconductor