Electrical Characteristics
• Power management
— Fully static 1.2-V CMOS design with 3.3- and 2.5-V I/O
— Supports power saving modes: doze, nap, and sleep
— Employs dynamic power management, which automatically minimizes power consumption of
blocks when they are idle.
• System performance monitor
— Supports eight 32-bit counters that count the occurrence of selected events
— Ability to count up to 512 counter-specific events
— Supports 64 reference events that can be counted on any of the 8 counters
— Supports duration and quantity threshold counting
— Burstiness feature that permits counting of burst events with a programmable time between
— Triggering and chaining capability
— Ability to generate an interrupt on overflow
• System access port
— Uses JTAG interface and a TAP controller to access entire system memory map
— Supports 32-bit accesses to configuration registers
— Supports cache-line burst accesses to main memory
— Supports large block (4-Kbyte) uploads and downloads
— Supports continuous bit streaming of entire block for fast upload and download
• IEEE 1149.1-compliant, JTAG boundary scan
• 783 FC-PBGA package
2 Electrical Characteristics
This section provides the electrical specifications and thermal characteristics for the MPC8540. The
MPC8540 is currently targeted to these specifications. Some of these specifications are independent of the
I/O cell, but are included for a more complete reference. These are not purely I/O buffer design
MPC8540 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor