The NCP1351 implements a fixed peak current mode
technique whose regulation scheme implements a variable
switching frequency. As shown on the typical application
diagram, the controller is designed to operate with a
minimum number of external components. It incorporates
the following features:
• Frequency Foldback: Since the switching period
increases when power demand decreases, the switching
frequency naturally diminishes in light load conditions.
This helps to minimize switching losses and offers
good standby power performance.
• Very Low Startup Current: The patented internal
supply block is specially designed to offer a very low
current consumption during startup. It allows the use of
a very high value external startup resistor, greatly
reducing dissipation, improving efficiency and
minimizing standby power consumption.
• Natural Frequency Dithering: The quasi−fixed tON
mode of operation improves the EMI signature since
the switching frequency varies with the natural bulk
ripple voltage.
• Peak Current Compression: As the load becomes
lighter, the frequency decreases and can enter the
audible range. To avoid exciting transformer
mechanical resonances, hence generating acoustic
noise, the NCP1351 includes a patented technique,
which reduces the peak current as power goes down. As
such, inexpensive transformer can be used without
having noise problems.
• Negative Primary Current Sensing: By sensing the
total current, this technique does not modify the
MOSFET driving voltage (VGS) while switching.
Furthermore, the programming resistor, together with
the pin capacitance, forms a residual noise filter which
blanks spurious spikes.
• Programmable Primary Current Sense: It offers a
second peak current adjustment variable, which
improves the design flexibility.
• Extended VCC Range: By accepting VCC levels up to
28 V, the device offers added flexibility in presence of
loosely coupled transformers. The gate drive is safely
clamped below 20 V to avoid stressing the driven
• Easy OPP: Connecting a resistor from the CS pin to
the auxiliary winding allows easy bulk voltage
• Secondary or Primary Regulation: The feedback
loop arrangement allows simple secondary or primary
side regulation without significant additional external
• Latch Input: If voltage on Pin 7 is externally brought
above 5 V, the controller permanently latches off and
stays latched until the user cycles VCC down, below 4
V typically.
• Fault Timer: In presence of badly coupled transformer,
it can be quite difficult to detect an overload or a
short−circuit on the primary side. When the feedback
current disappears, a current source charges a capacitor
connected to Pin 8. When the voltage on this pin
reaches a certain level, all pulses are shut off and the
VCC voltage is pulled down below the VCC(min) level.
This protection is latched on the A version (the
controller must be shut down and restart to resume
normal operation), and auto−recovery on Version B (if
the fault goes away, the controller automatically
resumes operation).