Finally, please note that another comparator internally
fixes the maximum peak current set point to 0.8 V even if the
OPP pin is inadvertently biased above 0 V.
Frequency Foldback
The reduction of no−load standby power associated with
the need for improving the efficiency, requires a change to
the traditional fixed−frequency type of operation. This
controller implements a switching frequency foldback when
the feedback voltage passes below a certain level, Vfold, set
around 1.5 V. At this point, the oscillator enters frequency
foldback and reduces its switching frequency. The peak
current setpoint follows the feedback pin until its level
reaches 1.05 V. Below this value, the peak current freezes to
Vfold/4.2 (250 mV or 31% of the maximum 0.8 V setpoint)
and the only way to further reduce the transmitted power is
to reduce the operating frequency down to 26 kHz. This
value is reached at a voltage feedback level of 350 mV
typically. Below this point, if the output power continues to
decrease, the part enters skip cycle for the best noise−free
performance in no−load conditions. Figure 43 depicts the
adopted scheme for the part.
Peak current setpoint
65 kHz
0.8 V
26 kHz min
350 mV 1.5 V
Vfold,end Vfold
3.4 V
[ 0.36 V
[ 0.25 V min
Vfreeze Vfold
1.05 V 1.5 V
3.4 V
Figure 43. By Observing the Voltage on the Feedback Pin, the Controller Reduces its Switching Frequency for an
Improved Performance at Light Load
Auto−Recovery Short−Circuit Protection
In case of output short−circuit or if the power supply
experiences a severe overloading situation, an internal error
flag is raised and starts a countdown timer. If the flag is
asserted longer than 100 ms, the driving pulses are stopped
and the VCC pin slowly goes down to around 7 V. At this
point, the controller wakes−up and the VCC builds up again
due to the resistive starting network. When VCC reaches
VCCON, the controller attempts to re−start, checking for the
absence of the fault. If the fault is still there, the supply enters
another cycle of so−called hiccup mode. If the fault has
cleared, the power supply resumes normal operation. Please
note that the soft−start is activated during each of the re−start