Philips Semiconductors
80C51 8-bit Flash microcontroller family
64KB Flash, 512B/1024B RAM
Product data
Special Function Registers (SFRs) accesses are restricted in the following ways:
1. Do not attempt to access any SFR locations not defined.
2. Accesses to any defined SFR locations must be strictly for the functions for the SFRs.
3. SFR bits labeled ‘–’, ‘0’ or ‘1’ can ONLY be written and read as follows:
‘–’ MUST be written with ‘0’, but can return any value when read (even if it was written with ‘0’). It is a reserved bit and may be used in
future derivatives.
‘0’ MUST be written with ‘0’, and will return a ‘0’ when read.
‘1’ MUST be written with ‘1’, and will return a ‘1’ when read.
*: SFRs are bit addressable.
#: SFRs are modified from or added to the 80C51 SFRs.
–: Reserved bits (see note above).
1: Reset value depends on reset source.
2003 Sep 11